Wear orange to shut down Guantánamo
Six years after the first prisoners arrived at Guantánamo, wear orange is a way to to raise public awareness and strengthen the movement to demand an end to torture and indefinite detention. Last January 11, about 40 people were arrested inside the Cour...
Defending our oceans
Karen Sack, Greenpeace International's Head of Oceans, has been in bed with a fever the last couple days. She blames the antihistamines for the following sunny revery about what 2008 might bring to our oceans work in a perfect world. But hey, in the words ...
One week until Global Day of Action – be a part of this journey
1) In one week, Humanity will gather to show that another world is possible 2) How to have the best experience using www.wsf2008.net a) Get updates with RSS feeeds. b) Deleting actions a...
2008・1・26グローバルアクション 世界社会フォーラムの風を今ここに 参加{...
ADB meet faces boycott
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) began its South Asia consultation, in New Delhi on January 16, on the revision of its safeguard policies on social and environmental impacts of its projects. The revision is claimed towards mitigating adverse impacts of its...
Coletiva em São Paulo, no Sindicato dos Jornalistas
AVISO DE PAUTA Coletiva Fórum Social Mundial 2008 Dia de Mobilização e Ação Global em São Paulo Milhares de homens e mulheres, integrantes de organizações, redes, movimentos sociais e sindicatos, de todas as partes do mundo, realizam no dia 26...
Abraço à Bolívia
No próximo dia 26, em cada um dos cantos do planeta, os movimentos sociais que lutam contra o neoliberalismo, a guerra, o colonialismo, o racismo e o patriarcado vão sair às ruas para mostrar seu rechaço a esses fatos que geram violência, exploraç...
Camisinhas poéticas na Ação Global
A frase vem escrita na embalagem da camisinha: "Todos os dias grande parte da população sofre e morre por causa das "fomes"... O pobre e o miserável gostariam de saciar ao menos sua fome de comida". Um lote de 4 mil unidades será distribuído em Itaja...