Manifeste pour la metamorfosis du monde

Por paskua

Nous sommes les témoins et les acteurs de la crise du monde qui affecte toutes les sphères. Une analyse systémique montre qu'elle est le résultat de l'enchevêtrement de multiples composants, des relations et rétroactions innombrables qui se tissent...

The assembly of anti-debt networks and movements

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Assembly of Movements working on the Debt issue took place on February 1 within the context of the alliances day at the WSF 2009 held in Belem. It had the participation of several organisations and networks, with strong presence of member organisations...

Financing Youth and Adult Education

Por mgdCuNk9du

On the 29th January ICAE organized a panel on Financing Adult Education at the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil. Around 50 people were present, mostly young people from Brazil but also other participants from Latin America, Africa and Asia. The objecti...


Por Mariana Rosa

Fotos: Mariana Rosa

Protagonistas (II)

Por Mariana Rosa

Fotos: Mariana Rosa

Dio è morto, Marx è morto,

Por mgdCuNk9du

Se è vero che il Social Forum Mondiale non è morto, è però attraversato da una profonda metamorfosi. Lo si vede in particolare nei rapporti sempre più familiari con i leader politici, i partiti e, pure, con gli Stati. Per quanto infatti i partiti poli...

MST e a Criminalização dos movimentos sociais

Por Vanessa Cruz

Ulisses Manaças da Coordenação Nacional do Movimento dos Sem Terra defende o MST do ataque contra os movimentos sociais. Assista aqui ao video produzido pelo cepepo, ong que atuou no forum social mundial nos projetos de comunicação compartilhada.

A Global BDS Action Day is launched at WSF

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Barbara Ablas/Ciranda In December 2008, Israel decided to mark the 60th anniversary of its existence the same way it had established itself - perpetrating massacres against the Palestinian people. In 23 days, Israel killed more than 1,300 and injure...