Da inicio el Congreso Constitutivo de la APPO

Por mgdCuNk9du

Volar, Oaxaca, Ciudad de la rebeldía, a 11 de noviembre.- Desde muy temprana hora, cientos de personas se dieron cita en las afueras del Hotel del Magisterio, jóvenes y ancianos de las barricadas, de las colonias y pueblos de Oaxaca rodeaban el hotel del...

Organizaciones mapuches demandarán a Microsoft

Por mgdCuNk9du

El reciente lanzamiento del programa Window xp en versión mapudungun y su posterior lanzamiento a través de Internet, bien podría atraer serios problemas para la empresa que lidera Bill Gates, esto porque agrupaciones de Chile están empecinadas en lleg...

Globalização e desigualdades:por um país melhor!

Por Cristovam do Espirito Santo Filho

Em um mundo globalizado, os fatos e fundamentos que sustentam a economia mundial possuem forte impacto em nossa desesperadora realidade local. A propósito, em matéria de desigualdades, as estatísticas macroeconômicas não estão muito distantes daquela...

India Social Forum: The fourth day

Por mgdCuNk9du

See all pictures by clicking here See India Social Forum 2006 - Ciranda

Children share vision of a new world

Por mgdCuNk9du

“YES, I ASPIRE for that kind of world. A world where people respect each other, where everyone gets justice, where there is no fear of war and everyone shares everything and lives happily. We have come to India Social Forum with a dream of such a wor...

Nepathya to perform at India Social Forum

Por mgdCuNk9du

Nepathya has been invited by India Social Forum to perform at the closing of this year's meet in New Delhi on the 13th of November. The Indian chapter of World Social Forum - India Social Forum is happening in New Delhi. It started on 9th and will go on t...

India Social Forum: The third day

Por mgdCuNk9du

See all pictures by clicking here See India Social Forum 2006 - Ciranda

Serious voices and cultural colours meld at ISF

Por mgdCuNk9du

COLOUR, COLOUR AND yet more colour. It seemed to be the most-dominating theme on the second day of the India Social Forum 2006. From tribal dancers of Orissa on one side to the folk songs of Jharkhand and the Punjabi theatricals on the other. The culture c...