WSF participants debate the Mining Regime in Serra Leoa

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) this morning, Wednesday 9 February 2011, hosted a symposium at the University of Cheik Anta Diop, the main venue of the World Social Forum, in Dakar, Senegal. The topic for the symposium was: Reforms ...

Preliminary Notes on the World Social Forum 2011, Dakar

Por mgdCuNk9du

The latest World Social Forum took place in Dakar from the 6th to the 11th of February. It was followed by a two-day meeting of its International Council which began the assessment exercise, that will continue in the next months, and reflected on the way ...

FSM : Mais do que nunca um ator no coração das mudanças

Por mgdCuNk9du

Em Dacar, no coração de um continente duramente atingidas pelos efeitos devastadores da globalização neoliberal e onde uns poucos bater de asas de uma vasta onda de revoluções que já abalaram os impérios, dezenas de milhares de activistas anti-glo...

Breaking the silence: NO to violence against women

Por mgdCuNk9du

DAKAR DECLARATION At the 2011 World Social Forum held in Dakar, we, the African peasant organisations members of la Vía Campesina, have decided to launch and communicate on behalf of our continent the campaign of our movement condemning violence against...

Dakar Appeal against the land grab

Por mgdCuNk9du

Undoubtedly, land grabbing was one of the main axes of mobilization during the last World Social Forum (WSF) in Dakar. Various social movements, faith-based groups, environmental, development and human rights organizations organized a series of events revo...

FSM : Plus que jamais un acteur au cœur du changement

Por mgdCuNk9du

À Dakar, au cœur d’un continent frappé de pleins fouet par les effets dévastateurs de la mondialisation néolibérale et à quelques battements d’ailes d’un vaste élan de révolutions qui secoue déjà les empires, des dizaines de milliers d’a...

Video: Mascogue Nation

Por Nelsinho Pombo

Video com Marcos, integrante da etinia Mascogue Nation dos Estados Unidos da América, uma tribo indígena que mostra sua resistência.

Vídeo: Uma conversa com Mouhameth Seck

Por Nelsinho Pombo

Veja tambem: Migraciones: de la diáspora a la globalización Carta dos migrantes Entrevista com Mohamed Seck