Abrace a Amazônia

Por mgdCuNk9du

Participe do abração criativo global Viva Amazônia Viva! O V Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico (FSPA) acontecerá nos dias 25-29 de Novembro de 2010 em Santarém, Pará, no norte do Brasil, para inspirar os povos e os governos dos nove países da região Pa...

Embrace Amazonia

Por mgdCuNk9du

Participate in the global creative hug Viva Amazonia Viva! The 5th Pan Amazonian Social Forum (PASF) will be held between 25-29 November 2010 in Santarém, Pará, northern Brazil, to inspire the peoples and governments of the nine countries of the Pan-Ama...

Vencedores do concurso da Revista Fórum vão a Dacar

Por mgdCuNk9du

05/11/2010 - Os cinco vencedores do Concurso Aprender e Ensinar Tecnologias Sociais foram selecionados e terão como premiação uma viagem ao Fórum Social Mundial 2011, em Dacar, no Senegal. Além da viagem para conhecer iniciativas internacionais de mob...

Campanha BDS contra o Muro convida para 48 horas de cobertura

Por mgdCuNk9du

Para marcar a Semana contra o Muro do Apartheid (Week against the Apartheid Wall), a ser realizada do dia 9 ao 16 de novembro, palestinos e ativistas internacionais promoverão uma série de eventos em diversas partes do mundo e sairão novamente às ruas...

Boycott victory: Africa Israel suspends settlement construction

Por mgdCuNk9du

Press release, Adalah-NY, 3 November 2010 Africa Israel, the flagship company of Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, announced this week that it is no longer involved in Israeli settlement projects and that it has no plans for future settlement activities. Af...

Education in Palestine in world spotlight

Por mgdCuNk9du

GAZA CITY, occupied Gaza Strip (IPS) - The focus on people's movements in Palestine continues to gain momentum with growing nonviolent demonstrations in Gaza, the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, and with a Palestine-wide call for boycott, dive...

The World Education Forum: Palestine’s Opportunity to Overcome Obstacles

Por mgdCuNk9du

Photo by Brynn Ruba: Pierre Beaudet speaking at the Ideologies in Education conference. The World Education Forum (WEF) closed on Sunday, with hundreds gathered at the closing ceremonies in Ramallah. The forum was held from October 28-31, with events taki...

Testimonies from the World Education Forum

Por Hilde C Stephansen

Delegates speak about their work and their thoughts about the WEF in Palestine. Hamouda.WMA.zip Khitam_WEF.WMA.zip Martha.WMA.zip