
Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Começam a chegar à Candelária ativistas que participarão do Fórum Social Urbano, evento paralelo ao FUM 5 - Fórum Urbano Mundial, com início programado para a tarde hoje no espaço da Ação e Cidadania . A concentração no centro do Rio de Janei...

On the Road to the United States Social Forum in Detroit…


Homelessness, poverty, unemployment, and debt are all reaching record heights. Over 45 million Americans have no health care. Meanwhile, banks and corporations are earning record profits with the help of big bailouts. Our government spends billions on ille...

Movimentos sociais e organizações do Rio de Janeiro convidam para o Fórum Social Urbano

Por mgdCuNk9du

A cidade do Rio de Janeiro recebe o V Fórum Urbano Mundial, organizado pela ONU. Espera-se que o encontro reúna cerca de 50 mil pessoas de todo o mundo. Em suas várias edições, esse evento tem sido incapaz de abrir espaço àqueles que resistem à ló...

Health Care Reform Victory Comes with Tragic Setback for Women’s Rights

Por mgdCuNk9du

As a longtime proponent of health care reform, I truly wish that the National Organization for Women could join in celebrating the historic passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It pains me to have to stand against what many see as a m...

Czech Social Forum in march

Por mgdCuNk9du

The European Conference 'The Alternative to the Right-Wing Extremism in the Time of Social and Ecological Crisis', Prague, (27th and 28th March), is organized by the Czech Social Forum in co-operation with the All-European Mobilizing Committee of the Europ...

El Foro Social Américas presenta sus ejes

Por Alexandre Machado Rosa

IV Foro Social Américas tendrá lugar en Asunción del Paraguay, entre el 11 y el 15 de agosto de 2010. Hasta agosto su realización, se conjugan momentos específicos de encuentro destinados a la preparación y la construcción colectiva del programa del...

Czech Social Forum in march

Por mgdCuNk9du

The European Conference 'The Alternative to the Right-Wing Extremism in the Time of Social and Ecological Crisis', Prague, (27th and 28th March), is organized by the Czech Social Forum in co-operation with the All-European Mobilizing Committee of the Europ...

Brazil: 10 days march arrives to its final stop

Por mgdCuNk9du

On this Thursday, 18th March, around 2,000 activists of the World March of Women arrived to Sao Paulo after walking during 10 days from Campinas, where the Brazilian action started on the 8th March, to its final stop, the Pacaembu stadium, in Sao Paulo. In...