Fórum Mundial de Educação Palestina condena ataque

Por mgdCuNk9du

O Comitê Nacional do Fórum Mundial de Educação na Palestina condena o ataque à Freedom Flotilla (Frota da Liberdade) O Comitê Nacional do Fórum Mundial de Educação na Palestina condena o brutal ataque israelense contra a frota que levava ajud...

The World Educational Forum condemns the attack

Por mgdCuNk9du

The National Committee of the World Educational Forum in Palestine condemns the brutal Israeli attack against the flotilla carrying aid for Gaza. The Freedom Flotilla was organized by a coalition of groups that sought to break the Israeli-led siege on the ...

Confronting a disaster like the BP spill in the Gulf

Por mgdCuNk9du

When the Gulf oil disaster first hit the headlines, John Francis got a series of calls and messages from friends across the country offering condolences and apologies. Francis isn’t from the Gulf but he has spent years trying to answer the question t...

Education In Occupied Palestine

Por Stephen Lendman

A 2007 UNESCO/Save the Children UK report titled, "Fragmented foundations: education and chronic crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" addressed issues "in emergency and reconstruction situations, as well as in chronic conflict." It explained that ...

Chomsky barrado por Israel

Por mgdCuNk9du

Uma porta-voz do ministério do Interior de Telavive confirmou a recusa à entrada de Chomsky na Cisjordânia, mas apenas indicou "várias razões", sem especificar quais, para impedir o acesso do intelectual crítico da ocupação e dos crimes de guerra i...

Interview de Gustave Massiah

Por mgdCuNk9du

Quel est votre sentiment par rapport à cette rencontre ? En marge de ce forum, j'ai participé à la réunion de la Commission Expansion du FSM qui a pour objectif d'étendre le mouvement des forums sociaux à d'autres régions du monde, principalement l...

Continúan agresiones en el municipio Oaxaqueño de San Juan Copala

Por mgdCuNk9du

NOTA CON AUDIOS En dialogo con Púlsar, Castillo Pérez denunció que grupos paramilitares mantienen sitiada la zona e impiden la llegada de alimentos, agua y energía eléctrica a unas 30 familias que permanecen en la región. Castillo informó que más...

Freedom Flotilla on its way to Gaza

Por Hilde C Stephansen

by Mikael Löfgren This past week reports from Israel have indicated that the Israeli authorities will not allow the Freedom Flotilla to reach Gaza with its cargo of much-needed reconstruction material, medical equipment, and school supplies. According to...