Internet, vía de escape y de educación

Por mgdCuNk9du

GAZA, may (IPS) - "He aprendido en Internet la mayor parte de lo que sé sobre edición de fotos y diseño gráfico", dijo Emad, un cineasta palestino de 27 años. Esto se ha vuelto habitual en Gaza. "Este programa de edición de vídeo no está disponibl...

Come to Palestine

Por Omar Assaf

The registration for organizations and self-organized activities for the World Education Forum in Palestine (October 28 - 31) will open on June 25. This event is vitally important in the context of today's world, moreover holding this Forum in Palestine is...

USSF Updates – Notícias del FS Estados Unidos

Por mgdCuNk9du

    People's Freedom Caravans Building Momentum (Español Abajo) Some folks are walking. Some are biking. Some are taking busses and cars. And yes, a few of us will be flying. But all are headed to Detroit this s...

The People’s Freedom Caravan goes to the United States Social Forum in Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

The People’s Freedom Caravan is a Social Movement on Wheels–a Convergence of Grassroots Communities along the way to the second United States Social Forum (USSF), happening June 22-June 26, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan. As the participants repor...

A Caravana Popular da Liberdade ruma para o Fórum Social em Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

A Caravana Popular da Liberdade >] é o Movimento Social sobre rodas – uma convergência das comunidades de base que estão ao longo do percurso para o segundo Fórum Social dos Estados Unidos (USSF) que acontec...

Anarchists building USSF

Por mgdCuNk9du

For anarchists, the 2010 United States Social Forum (USSF) offers an opportunity for networking and building relationships with folks doing a wide range of political work. In addition, there are some workshops that focus specifically on anarchist organizi...

Solidarity with Copala

Por mgdCuNk9du

We call on the International community (social and civil organizations, NGOs, and collective) to perform actions of solidarity from their countries and communities with the aim of covering the Caravan of Solidarity with the Autonomous Municipality San Juan...

Solidarité international avec Copala

Por mgdCuNk9du

On fait un appel à la communauté international (organisations social, civiles, ong’s et collectifs) pour réaliser toutes les actions possibles pour exprimer le refus aux attaques paramilitaires et votre solidarité à la Caravane humanitaire «Bety ...