Let us create another world together

Por Alp Altinors

The 6th ESF is to be gathered in Istanbul, Turkey; a marvellous city not only with its cultural heritage, but also of social and political struggles; the historic resistance of the Tekel workers, Kurdish popular resistance, etc. Amidst the global capital...

Clean Up, Don’t Cover Up

Por mgdCuNk9du

NEW YORK — On May 28, the Friday evening before the long Memorial Day weekend, during the time most people are filling their gas tanks on their way out of the city, a group of 200-300 people surrounded the large BP gas station on the corner of Housto...

Unha outra educación para un outro mundo

Por Manoel Santos

Santiago acollerá este decembro o primeiro Foro Mundial de Educación que se celebra en Europa. Pódense presentar propostas até o 30 de xuño dende a web do foro. Santiago acollerá este decembro o primeiro Foro Mundial de Educación que se celebra en ...

Abandon Detroit, Abandon Black America

Por mgdCuNk9du

by R. L’Heureux Lewis Detroit: The city that represents the prospects and failures of American industry.The city that is the punch line of a million jokes. The city that is Blacker than nearly any other in this country. Detroit is under intense scru...

Las haitianas encabezan el éxodo a República Dominicana

Por mgdCuNk9du

El mayor número de inmigrantes haitianos que cruzan la frontera hacia República Dominicana son mujeres, luego del terremoto del 12 de enero pasado que dejó al menos 222.000 muertos, más de un millón de desamparados y miles de heridos y mutilados. El ...

The UFPJ’s Peace March towards Detroit

Por George Martin

Just two weeks away, our 2nd US Social Forum starts and if you haven't made arrangements…Now is the time to plan on joining 20,000 activists in Detroit, June 22nd - 26th. What is happening in Detroit and in Michigan is happening all across the Unite...

Bikers go to Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

Imagine 5,000 bicyclists riding into Detroit, the Motor City, to help bring about a different world. We see thousands of cyclists coming from every direction converging on the United States Social Forum next June, voting with their legs for a greener, cool...

Venha para a Palestina

Por Omar Assaf

As inscrições de organizações e atividades auto-gestionadas para o Fórum Mundial de Educação na Palestina (28 a 31 de Outubro) serão abertas em 25 de Junho. Este fórum é de vital importancia no contexto mundial de hoje, além do que realizá-lo n...