La verdadera Palestina es posible
Foto: Ramallah dress (thob) from Palestine Una guía turística de una Otra Palestina posible. Otra? La invitación a los e las visitantes incluye Ramallah, Jericó, Nablús, Hebrón... Todos esos lugares que se asocian inmediatamente con enfrentamientos...
End the NAKBA! Stop the War!
On January 26 2008, people all over the world unite against neo-liberalism, war, colonialism and racism. We endorse the Global Call for action promoted by the World Social Forum and call upon all people of conscience to stand in solidarity with the Palesti...
Le 5ème Forum Social des Villages
Créé en 2003 à l'initiative d'habitants des Monts du lyonnais, le Forum social des Villages est un espace de rencontres et de débats démocratiques pour imaginer et proposer des actions citoyennes au service de la justice et de la paix. Dans un monde o...
Para los guardianes de los sueños
Compañeros, todos, todas: Me es grato saludarles y me apena lo difícil que esto representa para ustedes. Su actitud valiente y solidaria nos enseña su verdadera convicción ante la desgracia de represiòn y muerte que siembran quienes defienden interes...
Community Radio in South Africa call for the GDA
The NCRF call on all community broadcasters in South Africa to support the global community radio movement's efforts in solidarity with the WSF (World Social Forum) call for Day of Mobilization and Action - January 26th 2008. The NCRF will support and part...
Leave the oil in the soil, the resources in the ground
The Bali conference featured an alternative movement-building component outside: a Climate Justice Now! coalition made up of Carbon Trade Watch (the Transnational Institute); the Center for Environmental Concerns; Focus on the Global South; the Freedom fro...
Paz, soberania, desenvolvimento e justiça social
Com a chamada "Paz, soberania , desenvolvimento e justiça social", a Central Única dos Trabalhadores está convocando o Dia de Mobilização e Ação Global, 26 de janeiro, em todo o país. Em São Paulo, na próxima sexta-feira (11), a Coordenação dos...