Diyarbakir Bar Association Chairman Tahir Elçi was murdered by the dark forces of the Turkish state!

We strongly condemn this brutal attack!

The President of the Bar Association of Diyarbakir Tahir Elci, was specificily target at the haed and was murdered during a press briefing held in Diyarbakir this morning, A few days ago in Diyarbakir, the historic four-columned minaret was raid with heavy weapons by government forces and historic building was severely damaged. The press release was done by Tahir Elci and a group of lawyers to condemn this attack. The attack was happened durring the press release and Tahir Elci was killed.

Tahir Elçi was the target of AKP Government and the State powers for a long time becouse of his struggle for human rights, freedom and peace. He became a clear target after he said that the PKK is not a terrorist organization at a television programe a few weeks ago.

First he was detained; and was brought before the court, and he was tried with 7.5 years imprisonment. Today he was assassinated by those who found this insufficiant!

We are familiar with these kind of attacks. So far, thousands of Kurdish politicians were murdered in the same way by the same dark forces. We know the perpetrators, the perpetrator are those who could not bear with Tahir Elci’s stance, his struggle and his personality. The perpetrator are the AKP Government, and the other dark forces who massacred thousands of Kurdish politicians and activists before! Nobody should look for the perpetrators in other places!

This is an attack on Kurdish politicians, on Kurdish people and on Kurdish People’s freedom movement. We condemn this atrocious attack and its perpetrators. We express our condolences to the family of Tahir Elci, and to all the people of Kurdistan, his friends and colleagues. We say that will continue the struggle of Tahir, and will be connected with his goals. Hereby we call on all our people to commemorate the fight of Martyr Tahir and to rise their struggle for freedom.

We call on the democratic public in Turkey and the world who are on the side of peace, democracy and the human rights to be in solidarity with the Kurdish People’s Freedom Struggle and and stand against this barbaric brutal attacks.

KNK Executive Council

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