Long March on its seventh day

ANF, 06 February 2012

The long march of Kurdish politicians, intellectuals, writers and their friends continues in the seventh day. In the perishing cold at minus 12 degrees, protestors are moving towards Basel where a big meeting will be held on February 8.

Speaking about the meeting in Basel, march organization committee member İsmet Kem said that; “Basel city has a remarkable population of patriotic Kurds. We expect Kurdistan’s people and their friends here to join the meeting on February 8 as this welcome and meeting will be the only act to warm our friends up.”

Protestors of “Freedom for Öcalan, status for Kurdistan” titled march attended a panel discussion in Rathhalle city of Swiss at the night of February 4.

During the panel which was attended by writers, politicians, academicians as well as civilians, panelists called attention to the recent political developments in Kurdistan, AKP’s policies and purposes, the silence of Europe about the political genocide movement and the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Panelists stated that; “This march presents the will of the Kurdish people against all these practices”.

Speaking here, Germany Bremen University lecturer Prof. Roland Morc remarked that the march was very significant under the current weather conditions and underlined that; “Kurds give a fair and right struggle. With this rightfulness, they will certainly change Turkey one day.”

Morc noted that Kurds and their freedom struggle created important heritages and added; “The silence shouldn’t fear you, what matters at this point is the struggle you give. This silence and pressure are the breakings in the face of your belief.”

Some statements from march participants are as follows:

Writer Suzan Samancı: The pain and suffering of the Kurdish people is due to the Kurds not having a status. This is why I find it important that a march such as this was organised and I attended. All through the march I have witnessed the belief and joy of the Kurds, this is a sign of how far they have come, and this is the most important thing. I am particularly overjoyed by the stance and belief of the women attending the march. I believe all Kurdish women whose hearts beat for freedom must also join us at the march and become part of this belief and demand.

Activist Hanım Engizek: The freedom of Kurdish Peoples’ Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been in total isolation for six months, is as much as the freedom of Kurdish women as it is the freedom of the Kurdish people. As Kurdish women we are attending this march to show that the freedom of our leader is equal to our freedom.

Artist Seyitxan: I feel proud to be amongst my people and to be marching with them. As Kurdish artists we have important responsibilities in realising the freedom of our leader Abdullah Öcalan and carrying him to the people. Artists can only be worthy of their people by being amongst them in solidarity and by meeting the needs of the people. Ever step I have taken during the march has made me think about how I can be more worthy of the people, our struggle for freedom our leader. We will complete our march with enthusiasm, belief and hope.

Former MEP Feleknas Uca: I find this march very meaningful. Despite all the oppression and massacres the voice of the Kurds is being ignored. This is why we are on the streets today to join forces and raise our voices in determining our fate and freeing Kurdish Leader Mar Öcalan. The thing that has most excited me in this march is the variety of the participants. People from different beliefs, youth, old people, women, everyone is walking with confidence, belief and joy in these adverse weather conditions; this excites me. It is important that European organisations and powers hear this voice, feel this belief and take initiative for the Kurdish issue, but what is more important is the unity of the people here.

Mele Salih from the Kurdistan Islamic Movement: To be walking with my people despite all the difficulties is a wonderful thing and has made me happy. Walking in the path laid down by Leader Abdullah Öcalan makes me feel proud. We are marching today against surrender, Pharisee, lies and the deceitful. For those who question what this will change, they can just look at the freedom struggle of the past 30 years and will see the values it has created. We are marching for our belief, future and the existence of a whole people. If the AKP have their police, prosecutor, army, chemical weapons and prisons, we have our souls and belief. As long as we mantain our souls and belief we will always prevail. In fact we have already prevailed in the path of Leader Öcalan. We have been victors in gaining our own identity, consciousness, belief and the awareness of being an honourable people. We are marching for ourselves and gaining ourselves. The AKPs tyranny will not be able to stand up to this resistance.

Journalist-Writer Mustafa Peköz: With their 30 year struggle for freedom the Kurdish people have re-written history wherever they have been. Today history is being written once again. People are marching with great belief under weather conditions of -8 degrees. There is an unbelievable level of morale and motivation. The isolation of Mr. Öcalan has hardened the belief of the marchers. Their chants for the freedom of Kurdistan is multiplying their perseverance. I believe this is very important. The tyranny of the AKP government is clearly not going to break the will of the Kurds, this is evident.

Bard Maruf: As the artists, intellectuals, representatives of Kurdish organisations and public that are taking part in this march, we are condemning the international conspiracy against the Kurds and Kurdish Peoples Leader Abdullah Öcalan. We are showing that we will resist against the statuslessness of the Kurds. I believe that every artist must be with their people at historic times like this.

Academic Mirhem Yiğit: I can honestly say that our march is the most magnificent, exciting and resolute march ever to be held in Europe. I now understand that Kurds are more resistant, more unified and more joyous in the face of hardship and oppression. Old, young, woman, man, everyone is here despite the cold and have been walking for six days now. There is so much belief and enthusiasm that even if one single person was left here no power will be able to make that individual bow down. All Kurds want is justice and freedom.

Former DEP MP Ali Yiğit: Can we say that this march contains historic steps? Looking at the reason, target, content and conditions of the march we can say yes, these are historic steps. It is certain that when the intellectuals, artists, writers, bards, religious figures, women, men, old, young, in essence all the people, walk together, these are historic steps. Whatever the results, these are the steps of will, joy and freedom.

Kurdish Womans’ Peace Bureau member Songül Turhal: An exciting, joyous and decisive march is taking place. I have been witness to the strong will and unwavering belief of Kurdish women at this march. At the same time I have witnessed the empathy created between the marchers, who are walking in very difficult conditions, and the Kurdish guerrillas who are their brothers and sisters. I would like to thank all the people from Kurdistan who greeted us and joined our meeting in Bern.

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