The face of the Amazon

The days before the Communication and Culture Seminar took place as an introductory event for the 5th Social Pan-Amazon Forum. The 5th International Council approved the design to be used in all of the material of graphic identity, as well as, highlighting the meeting programmed for the 25th to the 29th of November in the city of Santarém, in Pará.
The proposal was visualized by the Facilitation Group and GT Samaúma (Communication, Culture and Economic Solidarity). With the intent to express a cultural and environmental identity, social and political – giving the meeting between the peoples of the Amazon the face of the Amazon. Designed by Carlos Alves and under the direction of Tarcísio Ferreira e Marcelo Lobato, the new logo tries to unite elements that value the cultural diversity and the richness of the Pan-Amazon.

See the explanations of the Creation Group for each one of these elements:

* The Gourd: is one of the most influential symbols in Santarém culture. In this context, the gourd represents the receptivity of the Santareno people (our ability to bring together the Pan Amazon to our city).

* The dolls: The nine dolls presented here, represent the different peoples of the nine Pan Amazon countries.

* The green part reminds us, as well as, symbolizes nature in general. It also represents the Amazon being reunited “in Santarém” (symbolized by the gourd).

* The blue and brown lines represent the meeting of the waters, which is one of the main postcards of Santarém. It carries a strong significance for the people of Santarém – reinforcing the identity of the Santarena population. Furthermore, the features make the leaf symbol stronger (referring to nature) and further symbolize our fight in defending the life of the Amazon Rivers.

* The seed – at the centre of the gourd represents where the lines of the Amazon rivers and Tapajos meet. There is also a seed that represents the perspective growth process, food sovereignty and territorial sovereignty. On the seed where the rivers meet, refers also to the locality of Santarém, as if the green part was a map, and the seed is the place where the city is located.

* The lines in red (upper and lower) have features from our black and indigenous origins; strengthening our values of the notion of peoples of native cultures.

Translated by Alexander Alva/ Ciranda

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