Women of Mumbai

More than 500 women will fly kites with the messages in the open ground in the working class housing colonies in Jogeshwari east on 25 th at 3.30 pm. They will assert for their rightful share in Mumbai city its job market, its open spaces and demanding safety and violence free existence. Women of Jogeshwari will be joined by women from all over the city including many from Dharavi. This program is organized in coordination with many women’s organizations and community based organizations on the eve of the global day of Action.

Indian Women demand right to land, livelihood and survival in Chennai

Women, women workers and dalit women will come together in a huge rally with more than 2500 women in solidarity with other anti globalization groups and protests world wide on the 26 th January at 3.00 pm at Chennai, from Monroe Statue to State Guest House, Tamilnadu. This rally is organized by National Network of Autonomous Women’s Groups, New Trade Union Initiatives and National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights.

Women take initiative for an Intermovement Dialogue

Before the Rally, these groups have also organized an Inter Movement Dialogues for activists from women’s movement, workers movement, dalit movement and others to discuss various issues across movements to strengthen our strategies on 25th January 2008 at 10 to 1 pm at ICSA Board room in Chennai

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