[en] Activities registered for Nairobi [es] Actividades para el FSM[fr] Les activités inscrites pour le FSM [pt_br] Atividades inscritas para o FSM

[en]Complete files with the lists of activities registered for Nairobi
through the site www.wsfprocess.net are available for download.
Download of the complete files (spreedsheet format) can be done at the
Program section of the site, on the link: http://wsf2007.org/program.

Attention! Please, check carefully if the activity registered by your
organization through the www.wsfprocess.net site appears or not on the
above lists. Corrections must be forwarded to the email
content@wsf2007.org. Last deadline to do it is January 6, 2007. On the
subject, put “my activity”. On the body of the message, inform the
name of the organization who has registered the activity, its title
and its ID code[pt_br]Já estão disponíveis no site do FSM 2007 os arquivos completos com as
atividades inscritas pelo site www.wsfprocess.net para o evento em
Nairobi. O download dos arquivos completos das inscrições (em formato
de planilha) pode ser feito na seção de Programa do site de Nairobi,
no link: http://wsf2007.org/program.

Atenção! Confira atentamente se a atividade inscrita por sua
organização no site www.wsfprocess.net aparece ou não nas listas
acima. Correções deverão ser encaminhadas até o dia 6 de janeiro de
2007 ao email content@wsf2007.org. No assunto, escrever “my activity”.
No corpo da mensagem indique o nome da organização que registrou a
atividade, o título e o código (ID) da mesma.[fr]
Ils sont déjà disponibles sur le site du FSM 2007 les fichier complets
avec les activités inscrites par le site www.wsfprocess.net pour
l’événement à Nairobi. Le téléchargement des fichiers complets des
inscriptions (en format excel) est disponible sur la section Programme
du site de Nairobi, sur le lien : http://wsf2007.org/program.

Attention ! Confirmez attentivement si l’activité inscrite par votre
organisation sur le site www.wsfprocess.net figure dans une des
listes. Les corrections seront reçues jusqu’au 6 janvier 2007 par le
courriel content@wsf2007.org. Le sujet doit être “my activity”. Dans
le corps du message indiquez le nom de votre organisation qui a
inscrit l’activité, le titre et le code (ID) de l’activité.

[es]Ya se encuentran en el sitio del FSM 2007 los archivos completos con
las actividades inscritas a través del sitio www.wsfprocess.net para
el evento en Nairobi. Se pueden bajar los archivos completos de las
inscripciones (formato de planilla) en la sección de Programa del
sitio de Nairobi: http://wsf2007.org/program

¡Ojo! Compruebe atentamente si la actividad que su organización ha
inscrito en el sitio www.wsfprocess.net está o no en las listas
arriba. Si quiere corregir alguna información envíe un mensaje a
content@wsf2007.org hasta el 6 de enero de 2007. En el asunto, escribe
“my activity”. Indicar en el mensaje el nombre de la organización que
ha inscrito la actividad, el título y el código (ID) de la misma.

Links to complete list of activities registered for Nairobi

Complete files with the lists of activities registered for Nairobi through the site www.wsfprocess.net are available for download. Download of the complete files (excel file) can be done at the links bellow:

Activities registered for January 21st

Activities registered for – January 22nd

Activities registered for – January 23rd

– Activities registered for – January 24th

Activities with missing information

Attention! Please, check carefully if the activity registered by your organization through the www.wsfprocess.net site appears or not on the above lists. Corrections must be forwarded to the email content@wsf2007.org. Last deadline to do it is January 6, 2007. On the subject, put “my activity”. On the body of the message, inform the name of the organization who has registered the activity, its title and its ID code.

At the lists of activities, the column Terrain indicate the number of the general objective in which the activity will take place. See bellow the full list of the nine general objectives, defined from the consultation held from June to August 2006 about actions, campaigns and struggles in which FSM participant organisations are involved:

1. Building a world of peace, justice, ethics and respect for diverse spiritualities;

2. Liberating the world from the domination of multinational and financial capital;

3. Ensuring universal and sustainable access to the common goods of humanity and nature;

4. Democratization of knowledge and information;
5. Ensuring dignity, defending diversity, guaranteeing gender equality and eliminating all forms of discrimination;

6. Guaranteeing economic, social, human and cultural rights especially the right to food, healthcare, education, housing, employment and decent work;

7. Building a world order based on sovereignty, self-determination and rights of peoples;

8. Constructing a people-centred and sustainable economy;

9. Building real democratic political structures and institutions with full people’s participation on decisions and control of public affairs and resources.

Check often news on WSF 2007 program, on the website event 2007 section (http://wsf2007.org/program) or by our newsletter and WSF process site, on the sections WSF Program.

One thought on “[en] Activities registered for Nairobi [es] Actividades para el FSM[fr] Les activités inscrites pour le FSM [pt_br] Atividades inscritas para o FSM

  1. Activities registered for Nairobi

    I live in Kenya and would like to know more about hosting of the participants in my home.

    Warm regards,

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