Join Ciranda

The International Ciranda of Shared Communication invites you to another great adventure of the alternative media which believe that another way of communication is possible and have already started practicing it.

Instead of the market journalism rules, let us practice our best characteristic: the possibility of sharing what we do, re-creating and publishing what we share. This experiment initiated by the alternative media in 2001, in the I World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, brought forth another meeting of the coverage on the WSF.

The adventure starts again straight from the greats events for Another Possible World and towards the Day of Global Action of the World Social Fórum, in January 26th 2008. There comes the VIII edition of the International Ciranda of Shared Communication. And you, from any alternative media linked with the WSF issues, come with your site, your blog, your texts, languages, images and sounds. Come ring-around-the rosy again.

Connections this year are not only geographic. Ciranda will be present at the WSF events with several projects of shared coverage which took shape in the WSF circle, such as Radio and TV Forum, communication networks and the laboratories which interlace with the free media in the WSF.

Taking part in the VIII Edition of Ciranda is very simple. You just have to register on the site, enter your name and email and wait for your login and password. During the WSF Global Action days, you can insert articles, photos, links of audio or video or Web sites about any activity at any of the WSF events.

An edition team made whule each event occurs will be
updating the pages of shared covering with it has detached for the best articles and reportage on the WSF and call for the novelties in several shared projects and special coverage by various alternative media.

If you wish to register for the 8th International Ciranda of Shared Communication, click on Private Space at this website and, then, register.

For further information, click on “I wish to participate” or send an e-mail to, containing the name of your organization, media and/or website. Or contact us:

Translated by: Hatsuya Kimura and Marcia Macedo

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