Supporting ZAD struggle
We are writing with the smell of tear gas rising from our fingers. The springtime symphony of birdsong is punctuated by the explosive echo of concussion grenades. Our eyes are watering, less from the gas than the sadness; because our friends’ homes, barn...

I had never come to the zad before
"I had never come to the zad before" is collaboration between occupants of the zad, film director Leo Leibovici, The laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination and star of "American Horror Story" and "Falling Water", Lizzie Brochéré. The short film invite...

ZAD partout
Le mouvement des ZAD trouve ses origines dans la contestation de grands projets déclarés d'utilité publique mais contestés à la fois au nom de la défense de l'environnement, du droit des populations locales à décider de l'avenir de leurs territoire...