Comment on a manipulé l’Amerique

Por Lekapo

Driblando a democracia

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Following Worker Revolt, Google to End Drone Technology Contract with Pentagon

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Common Dreams - Following outcry from thousands of employees and the resignations of several over its work on drone and artificial intelligence (AI) technology with the U.S. military, Google announced Friday that it would not renew its contract on the Pent...

Segurança Digital Feminista

Por Lekapo

Confira o texto de apresentação e baixe a guia INTERNET: por mais segurança para nós, mulheres. Esta Guia Prática de Estratégias e Táticas para a Segurança Digital Feminista tem o objetivo de proporcionar às mulheres maior autonomia e segurança...

Ne nous photographiez pas, rejoignez-nous !

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

L’image est devenue omniprésente dans nos manifs. Au premier coup dans une vitrine, à la première lacrymo qui tombe, un nombre bien trop conséquent de personnes dégainent immédiatement leurs appareils photo, caméras ou leurs smartphones. Ceci sans...

Walking the privacy tightrope across the Atlantic

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

This week the United States Congress voted to strip away one of the country’s few safeguards of the right to privacy by repealing rules which would have limited internet service provider’s ability to use or share customers’ data without customers’ ...

La liberté et la démocratie en danger

Por Lekapo

Facebook est un moteur de surveillance, accumulant beaucoup de données personnelles disponibles aussi pour I'Etat [il s'agit donc de ?icage). Par égard pour votre vie privée et votre liberté. il est important de ne pas posséder de compte Facebook acti...

Freedom and democracy in danger

Por Richard Stallman

Facebook is a surveillance engine, accumulating lots of personal data which is also available to the state. For your privacy and freedom's sake, it is important not to have an active Facebook account; refusing blocks Facebook's main channel for collecting ...