Mining conflicts multiply, as critics of “extractivism” gather in Johannesburg

Por Lekapo

This is the moment for a profoundly critical standpoint to take root, unhindered by ineffectual reformism associated with Corporate Social Responsibility gimmicks and the mining sector’s civilised-society watchdogging at the mainly uncritical Alternative...

Vídeo – Global South Rally for Palestine

Por Lekapo

The Road Blockades are Up on the East Rand

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

These attempts have been fruitless. Since we founded the Zikode Extension land occupation we have faced relentless illegal evictions as well as police violence and death threats. We went to court to try and stop the illegal evictions and were told that our...

Watch Out! The xenophobia monster is coming back

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

In our recent meetings we have been getting reports from various community organisations and civics which suggest this. There does not seem to be any threat of violence yet, but we all know how quickly these things can escalate. We are worried that publi...

Professor Lee Berger introduces Homo Naledi

Por Lekapo

Anyone who has lived apartheid don’t tolerate another in the world

Por mgdCuNk9du

BDS South Africa together with the South Africa's Coalition for a Free Palestine and others have called for a national week of action (19-25 November) in protest of Israel's recent attacks on the Gaza Strip. As part of this, on Wednesday the 21st of Novemb...

South Africa mulls BDS sanctions on Israel

Por mgdCuNk9du

South Africa is considering imposing economic and cultural sanctions on Israel as part of the worldwide Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. The country’s Minister of Arts and Culture announced at a conference in Pretoria last week that...