
Imagens de menino sírio Fawaz chicoteado por sequestradores causa horror e apelos nas redes
Um vídeo com a cena perturbadora em que o menino sírio Fawaz al-Qatifan, de apenas seis anos, é torturado com chicotadas tomou conta das redes sociais desde o dia 3 de janeiro. Ele está nas mãos de sequestradores, que usam o sofrimento da criança par...

Why the flow rate of the Euphrates River at the Turkish/Syrian border is decreasing?
Below is an open letter which four organizations have sent to the UK Prime Minister Theresa May on April 28, 2018, the Global Action Day for Hasankeyf and Sur. In this important letter on the international/downstream impacts of Turkish dams and in particul...

US attack on Syria shows Trump lacks coherent foreign policy, experts say
The US strikes against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were not just a change in position from the administration of former President Barack Obama, but also indicate a shift from the Trump administration’s public stance in recent weeks...

Les dirigeants européens et la crise syrienne
Bruxelles/Londres/Paris – L’argent des contribuables européens ne doit pas financer les projets de reconstruction du régime syrien tant qu’une transition inclusive et durable n’est pas en cours, a déclaré aujourd’hui une coalition internation...

Syrie. Trump jette de l’huile sur le feu
Isolationniste, Donald Trump ? Quatre mois après son entrée en fonction, le président des États-Unis, Donald Trump a, dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, ordonné des frappes sur la Syrie. 59 missiles Tomahawk, tirés par deux navires états-uniens, l�...

Rojava: Paradoxes of a Liberatory Ideology
Since 2014 solidarity activists, independent leftists, and others have been crossing the Tigris to study the developments in Rojava, the independent multiethnic enclave in northern Syria. Here the Kurdish people, whose aspirations have been stomped on for ...

‘Refugees Welcome’: As EU Slams Door on War Survivors, People Show Another Way
In response to the worst refugee crisis since World War II, European governments are tightening their borders and preparing to escalate military targeting of so-called human smugglers. But many people within the European Union are modeling a different appr...

Pela vitória da resistência curda
Um povo sem estado No final da I Guerra Mundial, o Império Turco Otomano, que estava no lado derrotado, foi retalhado pelos vencedores, entre os quais o imperialismo inglês e o francês, dando origem ao atual mapa do Oriente Médio. As regiões que hoje ...