//Redes Sociais
CMPI Fake News – Depoimento da deputada federal Joice Hasselmann
CPMI Fake News - Depoimento da deputada federal Joice Hasselmann - 04/12/2019 Senadores e deputados da Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito - Fake News (CPMI das Fake News) ouvem o depoimento da deputada federal Joice Hasselmann. No depoimento ao Vi...
Comment on a manipulé l’Amerique
Driblando a democracia
Tudo junto e misturado, tudo conectado no Rio2C
O Rio Content Market cresceu e deu lugar ao Rio2C, unindo Audiovisual, Música e Inovação com criatividade e temas diversos. A abertura oficial do evento contou com a apresentação inicial de Carla Esmeralda, curadora geral, e de Rafael Lazarini, cr...
La liberté et la démocratie en danger
Facebook est un moteur de surveillance, accumulant beaucoup de données personnelles disponibles aussi pour I'Etat [il s'agit donc de ?icage). Par égard pour votre vie privée et votre liberté. il est important de ne pas posséder de compte Facebook acti...
Freedom and democracy in danger
Facebook is a surveillance engine, accumulating lots of personal data which is also available to the state. For your privacy and freedom's sake, it is important not to have an active Facebook account; refusing blocks Facebook's main channel for collecting ...
This is not surveillance as we know it
Modern communications surveillance policy is about gaining access to modern communications. The problem is that the discourse around communications policy today is almost the same as it was when it was simply a question of gaining access to telephone commu...