Mulheres no FSM
[en]Demonstrators occupy the WSF Organizing Committee building at Kasarani[pt_br]Protesto e ocupação do comitê organizativo do FSM
[en]African youngsters of People's Parliament demonstrated against World Social Forum Kenyan organizers, on the third day of activities of the encounter held in Nairobi, Kenya's capital city. A group of over 50 demonstrators passed the gates and broke int...
Outras mensagens
Encontro cirandeiro em Nairobi
Cenas do FSM Nairobi
O olhar penetrante das crianças e o colorido dos adultos
[en]Shared communication launched for 2008 [pt] Iniciada a comunicação compartilhada rumo a 2008
Fotos: Frineia Rezende [en] While the percussion group The Drum Beat Of Uganda From Uganda played, over 30 alternative media activists from Argentina, Uganda, Cape Verde, Kenya, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Sweden, the US, and Brazil took part in a meeting ...
O FSM de Pulsar
Veja aqui todas as fotos de Pulsar