World Education Forum opens at Ramallah Cultural Palace

Por Hilde C Stephansen

The World Education Forum in Palestine was officially opened yesterday (28th October) at an opening ceremony at the Ramallah Cultural Centre, following the solidarity march through the centre of the city. The ceremony included speeches from representatives...

Fórum Mundial da Educação na Palestina

Por Soraya Misleh

O Forum Mundial da Educação foi aberto nesta quinta-feira (29), com a presença de ativistas de todo o mundo, inclusive do Brasil. Na tradicional marcha que da a largada aos eventos do FSM, cerca de 8 mil participantes, segundo os organizadores, caminh...

Israel’s New Loyalty Oath

Por Stephen Lendman

Since inception, Israel's democracy was illusory, but of late it's further eroded. The Cabinet's October 10 adopted Law of Citizenship amendment requires all non-Jews wanting it to pledge loyalty to "the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," i...

FAQ On Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions

Por mgdCuNk9du

by IMEU 12th August 2010 What is BDS? BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. On July 9, 2005, one year after the historic Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which found Israel's Wall built on occupied Palestinian t...

El ‘Global BDS’ Contra Israel Está Funcionando

Por Stephen Lendman

Traducido por Carolina Ramirez 7 de September, 2010 En Julio del 2005, una coalición de 171 organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Palestina creó el movimiento ‘Global BDS’ para el “Boicot, Des-inversión y Sanciones contra Israel hasta que ésta cu...

Global BDS Against Israel Is Working

Por Stephen Lendman

07 September, 2010 In July 2005, a coalition of 171 Palestinian Civil Society organizations created the Global BDS movement for "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Ri...

BNC condemns repression of French BDS activists

Por mgdCuNk9du

Occupied Palestine, 9 September 2010 - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), on behalf of its constituent organizations and unions representing the majority of Palestinian civil society, strongly condemns the decision ...

A construção de colônias do apartheid tem de parar

Por mgdCuNk9du

26/8/2010, Khaled Amayreh, Al-Ahram n. 1013, Cairo O anúncio essa semana de que a liderança da Autoridade Palestina (AP) concordara com reiniciar conversações diretas com Israel, virtualmente sem impor qualquer condição, gerou consternação entre o...