Week Against the Apartheid Wall: Global Action Update

Por mgdCuNk9du

Stop the Wall, 13th November 2010 With still 3 days to go, we are now witnessing a widespread mobilisation across the globe for the Week Against the Apartheid Wall. Diverse and creative actions demanding an end to apartheid and occupation in Palestine can...

Occupation Through A Child’s Eyes

Por mgdCuNk9du

Palestine Monitor, 12 November 2010 Organiser Doris Carrion with one of her students. On the top floor of the cultural palace in Ramallah’s old city this weekend children from Tomorrow Youth Organisation (TYO), a local NGO that works with young ch...

Prisoner Speaks Out From Israeli Jail

Por mgdCuNk9du

Hamdan is serving a nine-year sentence in Ketziot prison in the Negev desert for membership of an "illegal organisation". "In the end you admit to stuff even if you didn't do it just so that the beatings and abuse will stop," Hamdan, a former member of th...

Education in Palestine in world spotlight

Por mgdCuNk9du

GAZA CITY, occupied Gaza Strip (IPS) - The focus on people's movements in Palestine continues to gain momentum with growing nonviolent demonstrations in Gaza, the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, and with a Palestine-wide call for boycott, dive...

Testimonies from the World Education Forum

Por Hilde C Stephansen

Delegates speak about their work and their thoughts about the WEF in Palestine. Hamouda.WMA.zip Khitam_WEF.WMA.zip Martha.WMA.zip

World Education Forum closes in Ramallah

Por Hilde C Stephansen

(Photo: Hilde C. Stephansen. From left to right: Hamouda Soubhi, Farid Murah, Feroz Mehdi and Michel Lambert) After four days of conferences, workshops and cultural activities, the World Education Forum in Palestine ended this afternoon with an assembly b...

Palestina: mulheres educam para a resistência

Por Soraya Misleh

Foto de Hilde Stephanse: cartaz levado por mulheres durante a Marcha de Abertura do FME-Palestina Com 21 escolas infantis em diferentes vilas palestinas, incluindo três em Gaza, o Comitê de Mulheres da Palestina procura garantir o direito a uma educaç...

Na fila de um check-point

Por Soraya Misleh

Foto: Hilde Stephansen, check point visto de longe, já que não é permitido fotografar no local Logo no primeiro dia do Fórum Mundial da Educação (28), após a marcha, eu e Hilde Stephansen, que estamos participando da cobertura do encontro pela Cira...