Sept 28th: action day of international visibility of Palestine struggles

Por mgdCuNk9du

Registration for # WSFPALESTINE open! On September 28, we’ll be at exactly two months from the World Social Forum Free Palestine (FSMPL), an global encounter to show the solidarity of the people with the Palestinian people in struggle against the oc...

28 de septiembre – La acción de visibilidad internacional de la lucha palestina

Por mgdCuNk9du

[pt_br]28 أيلول – يوم التحرك العالمي لإبراز النضال الفلسطيني بدء التسجيل للمنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي في يوم الثامن والعشرين من أيلول سيكون هن...

Palestina, de uma causa nacionalista a caso de violação de direitos humanos

Por Nelsinho Pombo

No dia 17 de Setembro de 2012, dia em que se completam 30 anos do Massacre de Sabra e Chatila, realizamos um bate papo com Jadallah Safa, ativista palestino radicado no Brasil desde 1979 e membro do Comitê Democático Palestino no Brasil, durante uma visi...

اللجنة الوطنية للمنتدى العالمي فلسطين حرة تقرر سلسلة من الخطوات الهامة

Por mgdCuNk9du

الاجتماعي العالمي (فلسطين حرة) المقرر ان يع...

Sabra e Chatila

Por mgdCuNk9du

Economic is political: Palestinians know why they are protesting

Por Ahmad Jaradat

It is not strange for the Palestinians that their tragedy and difficult situation are linked to their specific life under Israel’s occupation; it is this occupation that bears primary responsible for the Palestinian crises. It is also not new to Pale...

10 September: West Bank protests politicized

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Hebron: Transportation in the Hebron district was completely paralysed and people had difficulties in reaching their places of employment. A big demonstration took place on the main ‘Ai Sara Street, with demonstrators calling for annulment of the Par...

A justiça, segundo Israel

Por mgdCuNk9du

O tribunal israelense de Haifa determinou nesta terça-feira que a morte da ativista americana Rachel Corrie em 2003 foi acidental. Corrie, de 23 anos, morreu atropelada por uma escavadeira do exército de Israel enquanto tentava impedir a destruição de ...