Strike, rage in Hebron after killings

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Photo: Mohamad Kalled, Popular Protests Coordinating Committe Four Palestinians were killed in the Hebron area. 24-year old Odai Masalma was shot in the head at close range by Israeli sodliers near his home in the village of Beit Awwa. Mamza Amla, age 25 ...

7 killed, dozens wounded in bloody weekend

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Seven Palestinians were killed and 200 wounded this weekend in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and border of the Gaza Strip. Three Israeli soldiers were wounded in separate knife attacks in and around the southern West Bank cit...

Ato unificado pela Palestina neste domingo (18) em São Paulo

Por Lekapo

Neste momento em que ouvimos o chamado do povo palestino a todas as organizações, movimentos e pessoas sensíveis à sua causa a que saiam à ruas em apoio à libertação da Palestina ocupada, a Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino/BDS Brasil, juntamente...

Palestinian uprising moves forward

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Clashes persisted across the 48' territories, the West Bank and Gaza this week, leading to many injuries and one death. Youth and soldiers clashed daily in Ramallah – usually in al-Balo', close to Bit Eil military station. In Nablus, hundreds of protes...

Nuevos crímenes de guerra en Gaza

Por Lekapo

Escena de dolor de su padre frente al cadáver de la niña Rahaf Yahya Hassan, asesinada hoy domingo en Gaza después que aviones israelíes bombardearan nuevamente la ciudad mártir. (gentileza del fotógrafo palestino Khaled Al Sabbah) Una mujer embara...

Palestinian youth intifada

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Friday was a bloody day in Palestine, as clashes with Israeli military forces reverberated throughout the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. Ten Palestinians were killed, six from the Gaza Strip. Over 200 Palestinians were wounded by live and rubber-coat...

Collective punishment in Hebron

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Renewing a policy of collective punishment prominent in the first and primarily second Intifadas, the Israeli army took over three buildings in the Hebron-area town of Halhul Wednesday morning. Israeli officers delivered orders to the three Palestinian fa...

Palestinian struggle irrevocably altered

Por Ahmad Jaradat

lashes, confrontations and demonstrations have taken place over the past several days between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in most of the cities, villages and refugee camps of the West Bank. A majority of these confrontations have occurred in the zone...