//Países Árabes

Several Killed, Hundreds Wounded by Israel in Nakba Commemorations in West Bank, Lebanon
Israel reports that several hundred Syrians crossed the border into the occupied Syrian Golan, after which the Israeli army allegedly began shooting. Mohammad Abed Omran, 35, is from the Yarmouk refugee camp, an “unofficial” refugee camp in D...

Heavy Clashes at Qalandiya on Nakba: hundreds wounded
Demonstrators started peacefully marching to the Qalandiya checkpoint at 11:00 am this morning on the 63rd commemoration of the Nakba—when Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes during the creation of the state of Israel. Already statio...

[pt_br]”É claro que eles nunca voltaram”[en]”Of course they never returned”
[pt_br]Sua família é sobrevivente da Nakba? Você deseja publicar um vídeo com a história da sua família? Estas são as dicas: * Compartilhe uma história ou episódio pitoresco sobre a experiência de sua família durante a Nakba. * Mencion...

As Long As the Olive Trees Live…
“Marches of Return” encircle the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) while the Palestinians inside the OPT rally from within… Restating commitment to the Right of Return of all Palestinians, all Palestinians, and Marking the 1948 Nakba...

Palestinian refugees demand right to return
From a call made in social networks, Palestinian youth living in refugee camps in Arab countries has promised to travel to the borders of the territories occupied by Israel and demand their right to return, which is recognized by the United Nations. The ...

Refugiados palestinos exigem direito de retorno
Foto: Javier Martin A partir de um chamado feito pelas redes sociais, a juventude palestina que vive em campos de refugiados nos países árabes promete se dirigir às fronteiras com os territórios ocupados por Israel e reivindicar o direito de retorno,...

Tunísia: The WSF takes its steps in Northern Africa
Photo: Nicolas Haeringer On April 01-05, a group of organizations of the WSF International Council visited the cities of Tunis, Kasserine and Sid Bouzid in Tunisia and the Choucha refugee camp in Ras Jédir on the Libyan border in order to express solidar...

La délégation du Conseil international des Forums sociaux mondiaux en solidarité avec le peuple de Tunisie
n Membre du Conseil scientifique d’ATTAC France Lors du dernier Conseil international -11 et 12 février-, à l’issue du forum social mondial tenu à Dakar, proposition a été faite d’une délégation[1] composée d’organisations membres de ce C...