Days neither Patras, nor the rest of Greece has lived before.

Por mgdCuNk9du

Due to its geographical proximity to Italy and its busy commercial port, the city of Patras has recently been utilised as a transferring hub in the long journey of many migrants, primarily of Kurdish and Afghani origin. The migrants will arrive to Patras h...

Activist beklimt de beurs: “Make Capitalism History”

Por mgdCuNk9du

Naar aanleiding van het WSF 2008 beklom een actievoerder het Beursgebouw in Brussel om er een spandoek te ontrollen met o.m. de tekst "Make Capitalism History". See the full photo gallery of this action at Indymedia.Be

E il popolo no war torna in piazza

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Global Project «No basi, no spese, no missioni di guerra», urlano i manifestanti «armati» di bandiere e striscioni. Non reggono il paragone con il grande movimento no-war ricordato come la «seconda superpotenza mondiale» ma hanno battuto un co...

Davos : Dangereuse suffisance concernant l’économie mondiale

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Les leaders politiques et du monde des affaires réunis à Davos cette semaine dans le cadre du Forum économique mondial ne semblent pas près d'admettre leur incapacité à gérer la gouvernance de l'économie mondiale, d'après la dÃ...

Protests in Dublin`s city

Por mgdCuNk9du

Marking the annual World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, campaigners staged a protest in front of the Central Bank in Dublin's city centre to highlight the effect of damaging global economic policies on people in the developing world. "Powerful...

Guerre e Tribunali non fermeranno le nostre lotte!

Por mgdCuNk9du

In quell'occasione il corteo dei sindacati di base contro la guerra in Kosovo del governo D'Alema finì con una violenta e ingiustificata carica da parte delle forze dell'ordine sotto il Consolato americano. Ci furono numerosi feriti, tra cui una consiglie...

The Global Action Day in Romania

Por Petre Damo

Following the WSF IC Call for a Global Day of Action, two organizations in the Romanian Social Forum process - AER Foundation and AD FSR - organized the European Symposium ‘Another World is Possible!' in Rimnicu-Vilcea as part of the global chain of acti...

The very very interesting Davos

Por mgdCuNk9du