Social commons and social transformation

Por Lekapo

In a remarkable essay on social movements in Latin America, published on ‘Upside Down World’ ( Raul Zibechi states that social policies are ‘counter-insurgency policies, meant to tamp down on mass movement ac...

‘Refugees Welcome’: As EU Slams Door on War Survivors, People Show Another Way

Por Sarah Lazare

In response to the worst refugee crisis since World War II, European governments are tightening their borders and preparing to escalate military targeting of so-called human smugglers. But many people within the European Union are modeling a different appr...

El horror de un mundo nazificado: Europa-fortaleza vs mundo-campo de concentración

Por Pedro Antonio Honrubia Hurtado

Europa levanta enormes vallas, ante los ojos del mundo y para vergüenza de cualquier europeo con un mínimo de dignidad y empatía con el sufrimiento ajeno, a lo largo y ancho de sus fronteras, para intentar evitar un aluvión masivo de migrantes y refugi...

Building Another World: Re-thinking Social Protection

Por mgdCuNk9du

The ILO came out with its ‘social protection floors’, the World Bank completes its old proposal with ‘resilience’ and the European Commission switches from poverty reduction to ‘social protection’ in its cooperation poli...

The World Peace Council condemns the silence of the European Union

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: IMEU Statement of the WPC on the new Israeli aggression against the Palestinian Gaza Strip The World Peace Council denounces to the peace loving people of the world the recent and ongoing aggression of the Israeli regime and its military against th...

Conselho Mundial da Paz condena o silêncio da União Européia

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: IMEU Leia o manifesto "Pelo Fim imediato dos ataques a Gaza" Em pouco tempo, centenas de alvos, a maioria civis, foram atingidos pelo exército israelense, causando mortes e destruição para o povo palestino. O histórico de Israel na prática de...

El Mercado Europeo en llamas

Por mgdCuNk9du

PressenzaParis, 10/18/10 España vivió el 29 de septiembre pasado una huelga general, primera a la que es sometido el gobierno de Zapatero. Los sindicatos, siempre afines a los socialistas, no pudieron hacer oídos sordos a los trabajadores que representa...

Call To Action In Europe: Against The Causes And Consequences Of The Current Crises

Por mgdCuNk9du

We call upon all social movements in Europe to unite against the crisis and participate in the international day of action on the 29th of September, initiated by the European Trade Union Confederation. Only together can we achieve the necessary solutions t...