//Estados Unidos

Gaz de schiste. Les mauvais tuyaux de la BNP
Un rapport des Amis de la terre accuse la BNP de vouloir aider au financement d'un projet de terminal d’exportation d’hydrocarbures non conventionnels au Texas. Outre un manquement aux engagements pris après les accords de Paris, ce sont tout d’abor...

I’ll never bring my phone on an international flight again. Neither should you.
Image credit: XKCD A few months ago I wrote about how you can encrypt your entire life in less than an hour. Well, all the security in the world can’t save you if someone has physical possession of your phone or laptop, and can intimidate you into givin...

Protestos contra a deportação desumana de Guadalupe Garcia
Guadalupe García de Rayos, residente há décadas em Phoenix, Arizona e mãe de dois filhos, foi presa e transportada sem cerimônias em uma van do governo norte-americano na quarta-feira (8), em uma das primeiras deportações de um imigrante indocument...

Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray
On September 3, the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. If completed, the pipeline would carry about 500,000 barrels of crude per day from...

This, In Fact, Is A Revolution
We’ve previously noted that polls show that Americans are in a “prerevolutionary” mood, that less than 1 in 5 Americans think that the government has the “consent of the governed”, that government corruption tops the list of Americans’ fears (g...

Chomsky: Republicanos representan grave peligro para la humanidad
“Hoy en día, el Partido Republicano se ha desviado de sus principios, y se ha convertido en una ‘insurgencia extremista’ como lo describen dos prominentes analistas políticos, Thomas Mann y Norman Ornstein”, afirmó Chomsky en una entrevista conc...

Os EUA se cansaram de mimar Israel?
Um documento de 82 páginas e uma diminuição de pessoal e armamentos para o Austere Challenge 12 (AC12), exercício militar conjunto com Israel, indicam que o governo dos EUA decidiram mostrar aos sionistas quem é que manda no relacionamento entre os do...

#N17 Global Day Of Action!
Our movement, however, is stronger than it has ever been. In these sixty days we have brought about a massive awakening, perhaps the largest one in the country since the Civil Rights Movement fifty years ago, and certainly the first global one in modern hi...