Freedom Flotilla on its way to Gaza

Por Hilde C Stephansen

by Mikael Löfgren This past week reports from Israel have indicated that the Israeli authorities will not allow the Freedom Flotilla to reach Gaza with its cargo of much-needed reconstruction material, medical equipment, and school supplies. According to...

Ameer Makhoul arrested in Israel

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Israeli occupation authorities arrested the community leader and activist Ameer Makhoul, who serves as the general director of Ittijah, president of the Popular Committee for the Defence of Political Freedoms and member of the Palestine World Education...

Meetings in the AIC (Beit Sahour) about the World Education Forum in Palestine

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Alternative Information Center (AIC) in Beit Sahour hosted two meetings on Tuesday May 4 relating to the World Education Forum (WEF) in Palestine, to be held in October 2010. A skype meeting was set-up between a group of Palestinian Committee members a...

Stop the Wall offices hit in late night raid

Por mgdCuNk9du

Latest News, Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, February 8th, 2010 Late last night Occupation forces raided the Stop the Wall offices in Ramallah. Some 10 military jeeps, hummers and an armoured bus surrounded the building as soldiers s...

[pt] Jamal Juma fala ao FSM [en] Jamal Juma speaks at the WSF

Por Rita Freire

[en] Photos: Hilde Stephansen The Palestinian Jamal Juma, from the grassroots anti-apartheid Stop the Wall campaign, should have been speaking in person this morning to the audience gathered for the debate on “The Political Situation Today”, in Wareho...

Mohammad Othman has been released

Por mgdCuNk9du

During his time in prison, and despite the hours of questioning and interrogation, no charges were ever pressed. Instead, threatened by the anti-Wall movement, Occupation authorities seemed to be determined to hold him without charge for as long as possibl...

[en]Jamal Juma’ has been released[pt]Libertado Jamal Juma

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en]Jamal Juma', the coordinator of the Stop the Wall Campaign has been released yesterday evening after a month long detention in Israeli jails. He had been called for interrogation and then arrested on December 16. Yesterday, the military court decided f...

2009: Estratégias para cobertura compartilhada com Palestina

Por Soraya Misleh

Em reunião realizada hoje com os movimentos de comunicação compartilhada - laboratórios, fóruns de Rádios e TV e Ciranda Internacional pela Informação Independente -, o palestino Jamal Juma, ativista do Stop the Wall, destacou que um dos caminhos ...