On the other side of the wall

Por mgdCuNk9du

Three days ago, a wall fell here - Just as the Berlin Wall fell, Just as the apartheid wall will fall, And just as all walls and fences in this country Will come down. But the inhuman blockade That has been imposed on A million and a half human beings in ...

In Ramallah and Around the World: Gaza at the Heart of Global Day of Action

Por mgdCuNk9du

Ramallah: Palestinians, Israelis and people around the world are taking to the streets today as part of a series of activities for the World Social Forum's Day of Global Action. The World Social Forum (WSF) movement brings together people and movements al...

Global Action Day at Palestina

Por mgdCuNk9du

FSM 2008 at Palestina

L’ouverture de la frontière à Rafah

Por mgdCuNk9du

Publié le samedi 26 janvier 2008(Chroniques de GAZA, Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien) Bonjour, Je vous envoie quelques photos sur l'ouverture de la frontière à Rafah. J'étais en Egypte hier, faire des courses ...

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza, Jan. 26 International Day of Action

Por mgdCuNk9du

In response to the unfolding humanitarian crisis faced by the 1.5 million residents of Gaza, United for Peace and Justice is joining peace groups in Israel and around the world in a call for an international day of action on Saturday, January 26. Many of ...

The WSF Global Action Week starts at Palestina

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: inminds Audio: Here This January 22, 2008 global press conferences on Palestine, Phillipines and South Korea have started to announce details of the 2008 decentralized World Social Forum Global Day of Mobilization and Action. Listen to the first ...

La verdadera Palestina es posible

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Ramallah dress (thob) from Palestine Una guía turística de una Otra Palestina posible. Otra? La invitación a los e las visitantes incluye Ramallah, Jericó, Nablús, Hebrón... Todos esos lugares que se asocian inmediatamente con enfrentamientos...

[en]To mark the Palestinian tragedy [pt]Para não esquecer a tragédia palestina

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] On 29 November 1947 the United Nations recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state despite the fact that the UN itself had found that such a step “may well run counter” to the principle of self-determination. The UN Par...