Come to Palestine

Por Omar Assaf

The registration for organizations and self-organized activities for the World Education Forum in Palestine (October 28 - 31) will open on June 25. This event is vitally important in the context of today's world, moreover holding this Forum in Palestine is...

The People’s Freedom Caravan goes to the United States Social Forum in Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

The People’s Freedom Caravan is a Social Movement on Wheels–a Convergence of Grassroots Communities along the way to the second United States Social Forum (USSF), happening June 22-June 26, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan. As the participants repor...

“Luchamos por una sociedad sin desigualdades sociales ni económicas”

Por mgdCuNk9du

La IV edición del Foro Social Américas tendrá lugar en Asunción, del 11 al 15 agosto. Paraguay dará la bienvenida a movimientos sociales, entidades de la sociedad civil, activistas e intelectuales, que acudirán desde todo el continente para debatir,...

The WSF towards Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

Photo: Estimmel The US Social Forum – Another World is possible, another US is necessary will be held in Detroit, on June 22-26. It will promote self-organized activities, People's Movements Assemblies (PMA), plenaries, work projects and brigades, D...

The World Educational Forum condemns the attack

Por mgdCuNk9du

The National Committee of the World Educational Forum in Palestine condemns the brutal Israeli attack against the flotilla carrying aid for Gaza. The Freedom Flotilla was organized by a coalition of groups that sought to break the Israeli-led siege on the ...

Confronting a disaster like the BP spill in the Gulf

Por mgdCuNk9du

When the Gulf oil disaster first hit the headlines, John Francis got a series of calls and messages from friends across the country offering condolences and apologies. Francis isn’t from the Gulf but he has spent years trying to answer the question t...

Education In Occupied Palestine

Por Stephen Lendman

A 2007 UNESCO/Save the Children UK report titled, "Fragmented foundations: education and chronic crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" addressed issues "in emergency and reconstruction situations, as well as in chronic conflict." It explained that ...

Why Is Israel Afraid Of A Few Boats?

Por mgdCuNk9du

By Yousef Munayyer Hundreds of activists are on their way to the blockaded Gaza strip via a "flotilla" of boats carrying humanitarian and reconstruction supplies, which are badly lacking in the impoverished Palestinian territory. Israel has promised to ...