[en] Canadians starts their BDS Marathon [pt]Canadenses aderem à campanha BDS
This Friday (October 16), activists for the BDS Marathon occupied the street outside the Israeli consulate in Toronto, carrying banners and signs to say"If you want to arrest the BDS movement, you have to catch us all!" They demonstrate against the arre...
[en]The BDS Marathon’s message [pt]A mensagem da Maratona BDS
[en] Israeli arrests of Palestinian human rights activists aim at stopping grassroots activism and the global call for Israeli accountability in front of international courts and through boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) campaigns. We therefore call o...

[en]A prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his work [pt] Um prisioneiro de consciência, preso por fazer seu trabalho
[en] On September 22, Mohammad Othman was arrested by soldiers on the Allenby Bridge Crossing, the border from Jordan to Palestine. He is now being held in Huwara prison as a prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his human rights work. Mohammad, 33 ...
[en]Companies building the Wall[pt]As fabricantes do Muro na Palestina
[en]The Wall and its checkpoints, observation systems, and military roads is the largest infrastructure project carried out by the Occupation authorities to date, requiring a variety of landscapers and plan¬ners; suppliers of concrete, fencing and heavy m...
PACBI Issues Guidelines for Applying Academic Boycott[pt]PACBI orienta boicote acadêmico
The PACBI campagn was born in 2004, in Ramalah, as a response to the Israeli academic institutions (mostly state controlled) and the vast majority of Israeli intellectuals and academics that have either contributed directly to maintaining, defending or ot...

Nobel prize winner calls for release of Palestinian prisoners[pt] Ganhadora do Prêmio Nobel pede a libertação de palestinos presos
The Israeli Professor Ada Yonath , who is the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for Chemistry, told Israeli reporters that holding these Palestinians in prison for months and years without charges builds resentment among their friends and relatives. She sa...

Encontro tenta recolocar a questão palestina na agenda brasileira
Por Arturo Hartmann, de São Paulo O Movimento Palestina para Tod@s realizou, no sábado (21), seu II Encontro das Sociedades e Entidades Palestinas do Brasil, um fórum onde se deram discussões de caminhos para que não apenas as comunidades palestina...
Llamado BDS
A un año después de la histórica Opinión Asesora de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) que encontró que el Muro de Israel construido sobre territorio palestino es ilegal, Israel continúa su construcción del Mur colonial con un total desprecio ...