
South Asia Social Forum’ s gallery

O Sul da Ásia deveria ser de todos os seus povos
O respeitado analista político indiano Kuldip Nayar discursou para uma platéia atenta e entusiasmada na abertura do Fórum Social do Sul da Ásia, em Dacca, Bangladesh, nexta sexta-feira (18). Ele disse que o povo da região deveria ter o direito de visi...

The South Asia should be a common place for all it’s people
The Indian political analyst, Kuldip Nayar, spoke to an attentive and enthusiastic audience in the inaugural session the South Asian Social Forum, that began in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday (18). He said that the South Asian people should have the right to...

Indigenous peoples, beyond the South Asian issues : Role of SASF and WSF
Rupayan Dewan* The South Asia Social Forum 2011 begins today in Dhaka. It expects 20,000 participants from home, other South Asian countries and beyond. But, individual registration has been recorded only 2,009 while organisations are 556. Whatever may b...

Today, the opening march of the Social Forum in Bangladesh
Thousands of people from different walks of life will join the colorful rally depicting the aspirations, cry and need of people through different decorative motifs. On 19 Nov, two plenaries start at 10 AM: 1. Contemporary Movement and Thoughts (10am-1p...

Estamos obcecados pela avareza!
A frase dita há dois dias na Espanha repercutiu na imprensa de Bangladesh, onde o economista criador do banco Grameen, Muhammad Yunus, ganhou em 2006 o Prëmio Nobel por fazer microempréstimos aos pobres sem visar lucro, criando assim o microcrédito...

Working children in Bangladesh
Last October I went to Bangladesh to direct a documentary for an NGO, about working children. This is a preview of it. I would like to dedicate this video to all the boys and girls who once they were working children and to kids who nowadays are working t...