Movimentos Sociais aprovam Declaração em assembleia

Por mgdCuNk9du

Declaração da Assembleia dos Movimentos Sociais – Fórum Social Mundial 2013 – Tunísia – 29 de março Nós, reunidas e reunidos na Assembleia de Movimentos Sociais, realizada em Túnis durante o Fórum Social Mundial 2013, afirmamos o contributo...

[en]Reverberating the Palestinians voice[pt]Ecoar o grito dos palestinos

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] photo: Aline Baker The Palestinian Land Day - March 3rd - shall concentrate mobilizations around the world to defend the inalienable right to self-determination of this people who have been living for more than 60 years under occupation. The date wa...

FSM: Assembléia das assembléias

Por Vanessa Cruz

Aldalice Oterloo lê encaminhamentos e resoluções para todos os participantes da Assembléia final do Fórum Social Mundial. Assista aqui ao vídeo produzido pelo Cepepo, organização que atuou durante o Fórum Social Mundial nos projetos de comu...

The assembly of anti-debt networks and movements

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Assembly of Movements working on the Debt issue took place on February 1 within the context of the alliances day at the WSF 2009 held in Belem. It had the participation of several organisations and networks, with strong presence of member organisations...

A Global BDS Action Day is launched at WSF

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Barbara Ablas/Ciranda In December 2008, Israel decided to mark the 60th anniversary of its existence the same way it had established itself - perpetrating massacres against the Palestinian people. In 23 days, Israel killed more than 1,300 and injure...

Un Forum che respira speranza

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Gastao Guedes, L'Assemblea delle assemblee L'Assemblea delle assemblee ha chiuso domenica la nona edizione del Forum sociale mondiale, apertosi il 27 gennaio a Belem do Parà, nel nord del Brasile. Dalle nuove alleanza tra movimenti e dalle date d...

World Social Forum proposes radical plan of action

Por mgdCuNk9du

Stuart Munckton The ninth World Social Forum ended on February 1 in Belem with its “Assembly of assemblies” adopting “dozens of resolutions and proposals to be the subjects of a programme of mobilisations around the world in 2009”,...

[en]Human Rights defense is the defense of all life forms [pt]Defesa dos Direitos Humanos é a defesa da vida em todas as formas [es] La defensa de los derechos humanos es la defensa de todas las formas de vida en su integralidad

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] The Human Rights Assembly was an important moment for solidarity and denouncing. In some way, every issue considered in WSF is linked to human rights: land, water, freedom of demonstration... Four axes where identified and discussed in four self-org...