仕事を大急ぎでかたづけたのには理由がある。 明日は、「もうひとつӗ...
パッチワークのすすめ 斎藤かぐみ ATTAC首都圏/『ル・モンド・ディプロ&...
Pour la justice économique au Bangladesh et ailleurs
Le Global Economic Justice Forum s'est terminé à Dhaka la semaine dernière sur une note optimiste, après trois jours intensifs de séminaires et audiences publiques qui avait pour but de provoquer un dialogue sur les différents enjeux reliés à la mo...
And Women also Fly Kites
On 25th Jan. or the eve of India's republic day, women joined the World Social Forum's Global Week of Action by organising their own event in the heart of Mumbai, India. The event entitled 'And Women also Fly Kites' highlighted women's issues. Women sent...
Bangladesh observe Global Day of Action along with whole world
People's resistance against Corporate Globalization Along with other countries of the World, hatred and symbolic protest against Frankenstein of Corporate Globalization Day is observed in Dhaka at Rabindra Sarobar open stage on Saturday (26 January) at 12....
Mindanao is not a training playground!
"The real purpose of the US military forces is explores the resources of Minadanao", said the activist Joseph de Jesus during the march through Manila Philippines, as part of the Global Day of Action Activities. "Te common action is that Mindanao is riddl...
Indonesia Without Neoliberalism is Possible
A coalition of Indonesian social movements march in Jakarta in 26 January, 2008 as part of the International Global Day of Action coordinated by the World Social Forum in order to confront the neoliberal World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland. Th...
Aksi Gerak Lawal
Gerak Lawan menuntut: pembaruan agraria sejati dan meredistribusikan tanah untuk petani, menghentikan impor dan liberalisasi pangan untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan bangsa, membangun industri nasional yang kuat dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan buruh, menol...