
仕事を大急ぎでかたづけたのには理由がある。 明日は、「もうひとつӗ...

パッチワークのすすめ 斎藤かぐみ ATTAC首都圏/『ル・モンド・ディプロ&...

Acting together in Korea
On 26th, the final day of the action week, a rally of WSF2008-1.26Global Day of Action and Mobilization was held at Seoul Station. On 25th 'Joint Action for Rights to Shelters' press conference was held in Korea, highlightening peoples' sufferings from Phi...

The Migrant Workers in S.korea asking for international solidarity
Lim, Won-San, the International Solidarity Coordinator in Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants' Trade Union talks about how Migrant Workers in s.korea have been struggling The vídeo produced by MediaCultureAction

2008 세계사회포럼 – 세계행동주간 선포 기자회견 Press Conference in Korea
2008년 세계사회포럼 세계행동의 날 (한국)조직위원회는 22일 12시 민주노총에서 ᅫ...


2008・1・26グローバルアクション 世界社会フォーラムの風を今ここに 参加{...
