Trump ‘the worst criminal in human history,’ says Chomsky

According to Chomsky, there are several threats facing humanity, including the destruction of democracies. The people around Trump “are essentially creating an international alliance of extremely reactionary states, which can be controlled by the White House.”

The evidence, he suggested, is that Trump allies in the Gulf are “dictatorships, the most reactionary states in the world, and Egypt under [Abdel Fattah Al-] Sisi, probably the worst dictatorship in Egypt’s history.” Israel, meanwhile, has moved very far to the right.

“The current so-called peace agreements,” insisted Chomsky, “have nothing to do with peace agreements. It’s a very natural Middle East base for the Trump-run reactionary international.”

Chomsky also mentioned Trump’s disdain for international agreements and disregard of climate change, with the US “racing” towards greater use of fossil fuels. Despite a looming “environmental catastrophe”, he added, Trump is aggravating the situation.

“Can you think of anyone in human history who has dedicated his efforts to undermining the prospects for survival of organised human life on earth?” he asked his interviewer.

Photo: US linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky in Curitiba, Brazil on 20 September 2018 [HEULER ANDREY/AFP/Getty Images].

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