The Nigeria Social Forum 2008 Call for Registration and Participation

The Nigerian Social Forum (NSF) is an open meeting place where groups and movements of civil society opposed to neo-liberalism and a Nigeria dominated by capital and liberal thinking congregate. It is a space that opposes any form of imperialism, unbridled capitalism, but engaged in building a Nigerian society centred on the human person. It is about Nigerians coming together to pursue their thinking, to debate ideas democratically, to formulate proposals, share their experiences freely and network for effective action. The NSF proposes to debate alternative means to building a Nigeria, which respects universal human rights and those of all men, women, girls and boys, grounded in democratic African and International systems and institutions at the service of social justice, equality and the sovereignty of peoples.

From the inception of the 1st Nigeria Social Forum in Makurdi in 2004, the NSF strides towards actualising a space that gives opportunity for the voiceless to bring their issues and thoughts in developing a Nigerian State responsive to the yearnings and aspirations of her citizens. The
Nigerian State continues to flounder on producing a roadmap to meet its vision of one of the world’s largest economy come 2020. Its existing development frameworks are fashioned in the context of the neo-liberal global framework that projects the market as the main proponent for growth of any nation. Recent evaluation of the economy portrayed growth at the macro-economic level without a corresponding change in the lives of the people. This goes to underscore the fact enunciated in Goldman Sachs proposition ‘that even if Nigeria achieves the
vision of becoming one of the largest economies by 2020, it could be accompanied by large pockets of poverty’.

Following the absence of an economic blue-print, is the crises of governance – the crises in the
education sector, the health sector, the rising cost of living, the Niger Delta, corruption, subversion of the popular will of the people. The Nigerian state at all levels suffers from the question of legitimacy arising from the flawed processes of the 2007 general elections. There is therefore a disconnect between the government and the governed arising from social and political exclusion among other denied rights. Democracy cannot be said to be thriving without social progress.

The biggest challenge of Nigeria’s development is the lack of living alternatives to the failed neo-liberal strategy, alternatives have often found their root in the reform processes whose outcomes have only served to further entrench the undemocratic culture of the ruling class in the country.

It is based on this premise that the NSF 2008 to be hosted in Enugu has chosen the theme ‘Alternative Path towards a Pro-People Nigeria Vision 2020’It will hopefullyserve to build an alternative path to building a people centred Nigeria. The issues emerging from the forum would form the crux for re-aligning our interest along the lines of social progress, galvanising both social and political forces into being. The Enugu space would bridge the recognized gap and lack of existing space and bring together the diversity of opinion, local knowledge and approaches to the various challenges facing Nigeria as a state. The forum would also be a
platform for evaluating our collective actions and s new directions to the social transformation of our society.

The Enugu forum would also be a build up to the Africa Social Forum to be hosted later in the year in Niger Republic and the World Social Forum to be held in Belem, Brazil in the next first quarter of 2009.

Objectives of the forum

Provide a space for the exchange of ideas, information, experiences and for mutual guidance among the various components of the Nigeria Social Forum;

Facilitate and broaden the linkage of local movements in Nigeria to act in unison;

Examine the main developments in Nigeria, Africa and the World so as to appreciate their
consequences on the Nigerian people;

Strengthen the capacities of participants at the Nigeria Social Forum to analyze issues, propose
alternatives and mobilize for change so as to contribute meaningfully to the development of Nigeria;

Develop common positions and strategies on issues and challenges raised so as to pursue a common vision, and coordinated response to the challenges of sustainable development in Nigeria.

The Issues

(Plenary) :Where general papers would be presented and debated. Papers to be presented include; Alternative Path to Nigeria Vision 2020 (Keynote Speech), Alternative Strategy for Mobilising for Change in Nigeria, Alternative Strategy for Niger Delta, Alternative Political
System for Nigeria, Economic Growth Model with Equity, Food Security and Vision 2020 among others.

Our Issues (Side Meetings): Here organised movements and groups would look at issues from their own perspectives to create a real market of alternate development ideas.

Day of Action: The resolutions from the plenary and side meetings would form the crux of consensus building on the day of convergence for action-points after the forum process with organised groups and movements taking lead.

The forum would also provide space for people’s social and cultural expressions.


Based on the Principles of the Social Forum process, The Enugu forum would give space to
diversity and plurality. The space welcomes groups, movements, civil society organisations, cultural groups, social groups and all who have a stake in the project called Nigeria.

Venue: Universityof Nigeria, Enugu Campus

Date: 2nd – 5th November, 2008.


Please visit our website at to register online, or at the NSF
secretariat at ActionAid Nigeria. Registration can also be done at the venue of the forum. Registration for events, exhibitions however MUST be concluded on or before October 15th 2008.


Registration Form (Attached)

Please return
all duly completed forms to:,, or

Registration fees

The registration fee for participants is a flat rate, which permits entry into all workshop
sessions, the exhibitions and the opening and closing ceremonies. This fee does not cover other expenses such as accommodation, feeding, and incidentals. Participants are advised to seek organizational or individual sponsorship.

Participants in Nigeria N500 (Solidarity Fee N1000.00)

International participants $50.00

Exhibitors N5, 000.00

Parallel Events (Workshops, seminars, Panel discussions) etc. N????


Participants would be accommodated in the hostels of the institution; however due to limited availability; participants are advised to visit the NSF website for a list of available hotels, room rates and contact phone numbers for early reservations. Participants can also contact the secretariat Ken 08035939033 or CIRDDOC at 0803 313 2493 for further assistance with reservations.

The Secretariat: Plot 590, Cadastral, Zone, 2nd Floor, NAIC Building Central Area, PO Box 1890, Abuja, NIGERIA. Phone: +234.9.2907868 Fax: +234.9.2348482 Email:, Website:

Enugu Secretariat

Fourth Dimension Complex, 16 Fifth Avenue, City Layout Enugu, P.O. Box 1686, Enugu, Enugu State Nigeria. Phone: +234-42- 803 313 2493, 234 42 303315, Email:;;, Website:

Participating Organisations/Groups

• Artisans
• Network of People living with disabilities
• Farmer Organization
• Labour Organizations
• Organised Private Sector
• Informal Sector
• Women organizations
• Youth organizations
• Democracy and Human Rights Organizations
• Environmental and development organizations
• Community based organizations
• Consumer organizations
• National NGO coalitions/Forums
• The Academia, Researchers and research institutions
• Faith Based organizations
• The Media
• Government Institutions
• Political Parties
• Students/ Youth Movement
• Town Unions

Kenneth Okoineme – Nigeria Social Forum – Secretariat: ActionAid International, Nigeria.
Plot 590, Cadastral Zone, 2nd Floor, NAIC Building Central Area, Garki-Abuja. Office Phone:+234(0)9-6270480/2, +234(0)9-4618655, Fax:+234(0)9-4618656 Mobile:08035939033,, alt:

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