Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Special Update – July 19, 2010


One year ago, Stop the Wall and Addameer released a report entitled “Repression Allowed, Resistance Denied”, which detailed the repression of Palestinian human rights defenders active against the Wall since 2002.
Today, in the 6th anniversary of the ICJ ruling against the Wall, The campaign publish this new document covering the ongoing repression between March – June 2010.

Palestinian BDS National Committee marks five years of boycotts, divestment and sanctions

July 12th, 2010 — On the fifth anniversary of the Palestinian Civil Society Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights, the
Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) warmly salutes all our local and international partners and supporters, individuals and organizations, who have contributed to the establishment and spectacular growth of what is now a truly global movement for accountability and upholding international law.

BDS Day of Action

For report backs from the actions held to mark July 9, see the official page for the June 9, 2010 BDS Day of Action by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC):


6 years since the ICJ decision against the Wall
5 years since the Palestinian call for BDS

July 6th, 2010 — July 9 marks the sixth anniversary of the ruling of the International Court of Justice on the illegality of the Wall. As part of a broader organizing committee to mark the anniversary, Stop the Wall is
organizing a series of events to denounce Wall´s continuous expansion. See the full program here.]

Irtas rally marks the sixth anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling against the Wall

July 11th, 2010 — the popular committee against the Wall and settlements in The village of Irtas organized a protest which commemorated the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice which ruled that Israel´s construction of the Wall was illegal under international law.

Six years after the ICJ ruling: Ni’lin still steadfast against the Wall

July 10th, 2010 — As usual, the protest began after Friday prayers and moved towards the lands confiscated by the Wall. The demonstration included a sit-in in solidarity against the arrest of one of the ambulance crews of the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Beitin marks the 6th anniversary of the ICJ ruling against the Wall

July 10th, 2010 — As usual, the protest began in front of the Beitin military checkpoint that cuts off 17 villages from the city of Ramallah. However, this week’s protest, instead of centering on the issue of the
injustice of the checkpoint, focused on Israel’s perpetual disregard for the ICJ ruling and demanded that Israel be held accountable for its human rights abuses.

Wadi Rahal and al-Ma´sara join in commemorating the sixth anniversary of the ICJ ruling against the Wall

July 10th, 2010 — On Friday July 9th, 2010, the weekly protests against the Wall and settlements in the villages of Wadi Rahal and al-Ma´sara (Bethlehem District) marked the sixth anniversary of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice.

Demonstrators arrested and injured during Bi´lin´s weekly protest which marked the anniversary of the ICJ ruling against the Wall

July 9th, 2010 — Israeli Occupation Forces arrested international solidarity activists and wounded several demonstrators during the weekly march against the Wall and settlements in the village of Bi?lin (Ramallah

Bethlehem: Activists injured, arrested in protests leading up to the 6th anniversary of the ICJ decision

July 5th, 2010 — Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested activists and assaulted 15 demonstrators with batons during the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and settlements in Wadi Rahal while kilometers away farmers blocked the Tekoa-Efrat settlement road.

Bi´lin and Ni´lin continue protests against the Israeli Apartheid System

July 5th, 2010 — The protestors in both marches carried large pictures of the martyrs Yasser Arafat and Ahmad Yassin as a message of Palestinian national unity calling for solidarity across factions to face the Israeli Apartheid system. Banners calling for the boycott of Israel were also carried.

Another protest in the ongoing “Stand up” and Break the Siege´ campaign

July 4th, 2010 — People once again gathered in a protest launched by the “Stand up” and Break the Siege’ campaign which seeks to remove the military checkpoint in the village of Beitin (Ramallah District). The checkpoint has prevented 17 villages north and north-east of Ramallah from reaching the city for ten years.

Latest Protests

Nabi Saleh demands access to water
July 18th, 2010 — Israeli Occupation Forces suppress the march condemning the stealing of Palestinian water. This summer, Nabi Saleh, like a lot of other Palestinian communities has perpetually endured hardships as they have often been cut off from water for days at a time.

Bil’in: protest commemorates activist in the popular resistance
July 18th, 2010 — The protest was dedicated to the memory of Khaled al-Azzeh. Al-Azzeh was a member of the Popular Struggle Front politburo and part of the popular committee against the Wall and the settlements in Bethlehem. He was killed in a car accident 40 days ago.]

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