LONDON: War on Want tells BT: Hang up on the Occupation!

War on Want, 11th November 2010

Activists held up a seven foot high replica of the Apartheid Wall, unveiled a banner outside of BT’s offices and flyered BT staff on their way to work. War on Want’s Executive Director, John Hilary, handed in a letter for BT’s Chief Executive, Ian Livingston, demanding BT cuts ties with Israeli telecommunications company Bezeq International.

A new report from War on Want shows that BT gives Bezeq International, an Israeli telecommunications company, preferential access to its products, even though Bezeq International provides services to illegal Israeli settlements, checkpoints and army bases in the Occupied West Bank.

We need your help to put an end to BT’s complicity in these crimes. Email BT now and tell them to hang up on the Occupation!

War on Want was joined at the protest by representatives from the Amos Trust and Jews for Justice for Palestinians, which are marking the launch of a new joint campaign targeting BT —

This action took place as part of the international Week Against the Apartheid Wall called by War on Want partner organisation Stop the Wall.

Photo by Ashley Derrick

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