Lage Raho Musharaf And Manmohan

Lage Raho Munna Bhai (LRMB) is a creative evolution in order to revive the Gandhian principles, values and philosophy on, life and death, success and failure, love and hatred, ignorance and wisdom. The movie is rocking through out the country and people imbibe the essence of humanity, love, compassion, peace, truth and nonviolence. Investigator such as C Daniel Batson or Nancy Eisenberg at the Arizona State University have conducted numerous studies over the past few years that demonstrate that human have a tendency toward altruistic behaviour. Some scientists, such as Sociologist Dr Linda Wilson, seek to discover why this is so. She has theorized altruistic may be part of our basic survival instinct (The Art of Happiness Page#42 by His Holiness Dalia Lama and Howard C Cutler). The LRMB supports this scientific findings and understandings with great sense of comedy coupled with beautiful emotions. It negates the very pessimistic theory of human hostility, aggression and selfishness. The movie makes you realized that Gandhi is more relevance in the today’s world; where individual, family, societal and state’s values and ethics are breaking down. With this understanding the world most renowned scientist Albert Einstein have rightly said “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one (Gandhi) as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.”

Interestingly in Toronto Film Festival “The Death of the President” directed by British Director Gabriel Range also rocked in the festival. Unlike the LRMB this movie is based on violence, revenge, hatred, terrorism, human right violation and human sufferings. The movie is based on the assassination of the present US President George W Bush Junior. Many people appreciate the concept and originality of the movie in the present context to project the leadership hazards and global crisis. The research findings of C Daniel Batson or Nancy Eisenberg and Dr Linda Wilson shows that men by nature are altruistic; than what’s wrong with the President of America Mr. George W Bush or the terrorist who are not only after Mr. Bush’s life but also after the lives of innocent people?

“Yesterday, the devil came here, Right here and it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front” President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela said while addressing in the UN general assembly on 20th September 2006 in New York. Why millions of people consider Mr. Bush as the merchant of death? The process of globalization is transforming the terrorism into a Global Life Taking Industry (GLTI). The world military expenditure was 950 billion dollar in the year 2004 and America’s contribution was 500 billion dollar (Global security site). Mr. Stiglitz; the Nobel Laureate (in Economics; 1991) while commenting on the current military budget of US said “There are quite a few things that are not being captured in the budgetary numbers” presented by the government. ”When you add up all of those numbers, it increases substantially. I think $2 trillion is conservative (Boston News).” Half of this amount can wiped out the global poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, child labour and unemployment from the face of the earth. But for Mr. Bush weapon of mass destruction is a business, war its market and armies its executives. You cannot live a happier, peaceful, progressive and secured life when your neighbours are hungry, unemployed and diseased. Today or tomorrow they will be attacking on your palatial egoistic palace as it happened on 9/11!!! Many are of the opinion that such movies will encourage terrorists to execute the movie in the real life. Do we need to encourage the terrorists or it’s the Director who got inspired from the size, intensity and strategies of the modern global terrorism? Some critics have also condemned the misuse of freedom of speech and expression. Who decides whose freedom? Why?

I honestly subscribe to the truth of altruistic nature of men; with that faith deep in my heart I live my life. It immensely helps me to deal with my own life and emotions in a peaceful way. Both Mr. Bush and the terrorists need to be transformed, the seed of altruism lying deep in their dark and deserted hearts need to be nurtured with love, care and compassion. In LRMB Munna (Sanjay Dutt) transformed Lucky Singh’s (Boman Irani) heart with roses and wishes for his good health. Who would be the Munna to transform the hearts and minds of Mr. Bush and Mr. Laden? Unfortunately mother Teresa is no more with us and Dalai Lama is unapproachable. Why not Mr. Musharaf (The President of Pakistan) and Mr. Manmohan (The Prime Minister of India)? Who knows while transforming Mr. Bush and Mr. Laden they also gets transformed to build a lasting friendship based on trust and altruism in larger interest of the entire humanity.. Just be friend …”Lage Raho Thupstan and Jora” because “Kal Ho Na Ho literally “Tomorrow may or may not be there”!!!”

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