Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon on the 12 and 13 November!

The annual Week Against the Apartheid Wall from 9-16 November is starting! Palestinian and international activists will again mobilize in the streets and organize a series of events across the globe. This mobilization on the ground will be complemented by a fast paced 48 hour media marathon on 12 and 13 November. We call on media to join 48 hours non-stop coverage!

Check out our media kit here. You can find articles, video footage and audio pieces on the Wall, settlements, apartheid and BDS. Use the ready made audio segment featuring interviews with Jamal Juma’, Co-ordinator of Stop the Wall Campaign and Faisal Hindi of the Palestinian Farmers Union in Qalqiliyah.

The beginning of the Week Against the Apartheid Wall on 9 November coincides with the fall of the Berlin Wall on the same day 21 years ago. Yet, today Israel creates with the ongoing construction of the Apartheid Wall and the Bantustanization of in the West Bank an over 700 km long symbol of oppression and racism that must be stopped. We therefore invite the world to show solidarity with the Palestinians in the struggle to end apartheid, colonisation and the occupation!

On the days of the Week against the Apartheid Wall there will be a calendar of international events, where participants will come together to demand an end to the Apartheid Wall and to Israeli impunity, through film screenings, demonstrations, photo exhibits, conferences and debates. For more information on events near you, visit our website at:

Stop the Wall Campaign, in cooperation with Ciranda, Foro Social de Radios, WSFTV, shared communication initiatives and alternative media listed below, has launched this media marathon to engage international media activists in raising awareness of the Wall and its effects. We call on media to join 48 hours non-stop coverage by broadcasting, airing, streaming or publishing information about the Wall, Israeli Apartheid and Palestinian resistance and global BDS movement.

Participating is easy:

1) Choose a time span during the 48 hours of the media marathon (12th of November 0:00h – 13th of November 23:59h), during which you will offer coverage about the Wall, Israeli Apartheid and Palestinian resistance and global solidarity.

2) Let Stop the Wall know that you are participating in the Media Marathon so that we can insert your content in the 48 hours programming to be published a special website. Contact:

3) Create your programming. We ask each participating media to contribute at least one piece of coverage; this can be an article, a radio programme or a video. Then send your content or a link to the site where it is published, to: or

4) To create your coverage, draw upon the resources in your community. There is much information and media material already out there. Stop the Wall can also provide a range of resources, including video and audio interviews, factsheets and other media materials. Visit to access material to support your media piece.

5) The media marathon includes the official launch of the online voting process of the It Is Apartheid Video contest. (See Encourage your audience to educate themselves by watching the videos and cast their vote on the best one. Use the videos for your own video broadcast.

This media marathon is the first of its kind. Stop the Wall Campaign calls on journalists and media stations across the world to take the opportunity to cover these major events over 12 and 13 November as they follow the route of the sun. The time is now to show that there can be no peace without an end to repression and occupation. More information on the Week Against the Apartheid Wall can be found here.

List of media involved:
Alternative Information Center,
Caros Amigos,
Foro Social de Radios,
It is Apartheid TV,
Radio Amisnet,
Vive TV,

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