[en]2nd of June [pt] 2 de Junho

[en]At 2nd of June there are TWO different demonstrations staring at different places – these two manifestations with different marching-route will end at the same end-point at the harbour in Rostock for a commen end-manifestation. The two initial manifestations at the different starting-places with speeches and music starts at 12 o’clock, at 01:00 P.M. the manifestations will start.

The Demonstration at “Auftakt 1” (see map) which starts at Schutower Kreuz / Hamburger Strass will lead through industrial area where almost nobody lives.

The second Manifestation at “Auftakt 2” (see map ) starts directly at the Central Railwaystation at the Place “Platz der Freundschaft”. This Demonstration directly leads through the Center of the City and inhabited areas.

The Common End-/Final-Manifestation (“Abschluss-Kundgebung”) with different speeches and concert will be at the harbour from Rostock near the Old Center of the City. Some City-Railwaystations away there will be the Rostock-Camp with place for thousands of people.

The Camp and Program is starting at Friday the 1st of June and the Camp will be organized until the end of the protests against G8. Also the leftradical and internationalist groups will organize there own barrios in this camp with information-, film-, discussion- and culture-events. The Convergence and Media Center in Rostock already opened.

Demonstration routes at the city-map

City map Rostock

Concert at 2nd and 3rd of june in Rostock

Convergence Center Rostock[pt]

Em 2 de Junho, duas diferentes marchas partirão de dois lugares diferentes e termirão no mesmo ponto de encontro em Rostock, para uma grande manifestão final. Ambas terão início com discursos e música ao meio dia e caminhada às 13h.

A marcha “Auftakt 1” (veja mapa) , saindo de Schutower Kreuz / Hamburger Strass seguirá por uma área industrial da cidade, onde quase ninguém mora.

A segunda, “Auftakt 2” (veja mapa ) começa diretamente na Central Railwaystation, na Praça “Platz der Freundschaft” e segue através do Centro da Cidade.

O encontro final (“Abschluss-Kundgebung”), com discursos e concerto, será feito no Centro Velho da cidade.

As atividades no local começam na sexta-feira, dia 1 de Junho, e seguem até o final dos protestos contra o G8, com espaços organizados por grupos internacionalistas e de esquerda radial com filmes, debates e eventos culturais. O Centro de Imprensa e Convergência em Rostock já está aberto.

Trajetos das marchas na cidade -map

Mapa da cidade de Rostock

Concertos em 2 e 3 de junho em Rostock

Convergence Center Rostock


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