Após um longo processo de consultas à sociedade civil, que passou por indicações dos movimentos pela democratização da comunicação, feminista e sindical, duas novas conselheiras foram nomeadas pela Presidenta Dilma Roussef e assumem nesta quarta-fe...
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Those who come to the World Social Forum are those who are able to pay for it, and therefore it makes a selection which excludes, unfortunately, many of the movements which are in struggle, of organizations, classes, which are in struggle here or there. An...
These concerns emerged in a World Council of Churches (WCC) workshop at the World Social Forum held in Tunis, Tunisia, from 26 to 30 March. The workshop titled “From eco-debt to eco-justice: mining, reparations and defending the global commons” engage...
Would you deem yourself able to understand – even partially – the general meaning of a text written in a language you know nothing about (except maybe its existence) such as Basque, Estonian, Hungarian or Turkish? Of course you can! This was the inten...
Cuando el Foro Social Mundial nació en el 2001, en la ciudad “gaúcha” de Porto Alegre, en el sur de Brasil, era difícil imaginar un encuentro igual teniendo lugar en la República Tunecina. El FSM proponía otro mundo posible engendrado por la socie...