
India Social Forum meet opens

Por mgdCuNk9du

Photo: Rajeev Bhatt. NBA leader Medha Patkar at the inaugural of India Social Forum in New Delhi on Thursday. From celebrating the setback to the Bush regime to the adverse impact of globalisation, a call to end human rights violation in Jammu and Kashmir...

Peoples’ experiments in politics

Por mgdCuNk9du

Recent years have seen the rise and spread of regional, national, thematic, and global Social Forums (SF), inspired directly and indirectly by the World Social Forums (WSF). Any SF, influenced by the WSF, is conceived as an open space that facilitates the ...

The first day

Por mgdCuNk9du

See all First Day pictures by clicking here

Peoples’ experiments in politics

Por mgdCuNk9du

Recent years have seen the rise and spread of regional, national, thematic, and global Social Forums (SF), inspired directly and indirectly by the World Social Forums (WSF). Any SF, influenced by the WSF, is conceived as an open space that facilitates the ...

Direito de se orgulhar

Por Rita Freire

De um lado os judeus ortodoxos de Israel, do outro o Papa Bento XVI. Ao se darem conta que homossexuais e simpatizantes vão mesmo marchar sobre Jerusalém, ambos somaram forças na tentativa de impedir a qualquer custo que a manifestação se concretize. ...

Worst Hit By Global Warming, Least Prepared to Tackle Climate Change

Por mgdCuNk9du

Africa is the continent most affected by global warming, but is the least prepared to tackle the causes of climate change, experts said on Sunday ahead of a major international environment conference. International action to reduce the effects of global w...

La tercera desaparición de Julio López

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Ronda por Jorge Julio López Primero fue la dictadura. Luego, el 18 de septiembre, Jorge Julio López volvió a desaparecer. Y ahora el propio caso empieza a esfumarse, secuestrado de las noticias y la 'agenda' política. Mientras siguen las amenaza...

Ganó Daniel

Por mgdCuNk9du

Triunfo del FSLN: análisis y preocupaciones Hoy en la mañana se confirmó el triunfo electoral del Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), aunque algunos dicen simplemente: ganó Daniel. Todavía no están los resultados finales, pero ya la t...