[pt]Thematic axes of the FSM 2013[en]Thematic axes of the FSM 2013[es]WSF skylines

[pt]1- For a radical deepening of the revolutionary and decolonization
processes in the North as well as in the South, through the
development of new social expressions against the political and market dictatorships, and for the restoration of the people’s rights to
self-determination and to the full sovereignty over their ressources
and their destiny.

2-For a world rid of any hegemony or imperialist domination exerted
through debt and free trade as tools of impoverishment,
riches-grabbing and submission of people by transnational companies
and financial capitalism, and free from patriarcal oppression and
systemic inequalities, and from the neoliberal social policies as war
machines against people.

3- For the building of new universalisms -as response to the
civilisational crisis and the commodification of life -, based on
environmental justice and universal and sustainable access of
humankind to the commons, the preservation of the planet as a life
source, in particular land, water, forests, sustainable energy sources
and biodiversity, the respect of indigenous, native, original,
authochtonous people’s rights, and the respect of the diasporas, of
their cultures, identities, territories, languages and knowledge.

4- For a human society, based on the principles and values of dignity,
diversity, justice, equality between all human beings, regardless of
genders, cultures, age, disabilities, religious beliefs, and based on
the respect of individual and collective, civil and political,
economic, social, environmental and cultural rights ; and for the
elimination of all the forms of oppression and discrimination based on
racism, xenophobia, caste systems, sexual orientation and others.

5- For the freedom of movement and settlement for all women and men, more especially for migrants and asylum seekers, victims of human traficking, refugees, indigenous, original, authochtonous, traditional and native people, for minorities, occupied people, and populations experiencing war and conflicts, and for the respect of their civil and political, economic, social, environmental and cultural rights.

6- For a cognitive justice : for the inalienable right of people to
the humankind’s cultural heritage, for the decolonization of thought
and the democratization of knowlegde, cultures, communication and
technologies ; for the end of hegemonic knowledge and privatisation of knowlegde and technologies, for a fundamental change of the system of intellectual property rights and of the scientific research.

7- For the building of democratic processes of people’s integration
and union, for the fulfilment of their aspirations for dignity and
better-living, which will respond to the strategies of division and
hegemony, and for the widespread of solidarity practices and forms
that strengthen the cooperation between people.

8- For a world in peace, free from the war as an instrument of
economic, political and cultural domination rid of military basis and
nuclear weapons, and respecting the people’s right to
selfdetermination for them and their ressources, and protecting the
people living on Stateless, in conflict or occupied territories.

9- For a democratic world, ensuring without any kind of
discrimination, the involvement of everyone in life and in the
political and economical decision-making processes at all levels,
local, national, and international, in the framework of properly
democratic institutions and governance models, including the UN system and the IFIs

10- For the build up of alternatives to capitalism and neoliberal
globalization, regulated upon the principles of cooperation, fiscal
justice and international wealth redistribution, focused on people’s
fondamental needs, putting forward new ways of producing, consuming and exchanging, using non nuclear renewable energies, and prohibiting tax heavens.

11- The Forum’s future : For a collective reflexion on social
movements, on the meaning of new struggles and on the World Social
Forum process itself, the perspectives and strategies for the future,
so as to guarantee the effective fulfilment of another possible and
urgent world for everyone.dos os níveis: local, nacional e internacional, e no marco de instituições e de modelos de governo realmente democráticos, incluindo o sistema das Nações Unidas e as instituições financeiras internacionais.

10 – Pela construção de alternativas ao capitalismo e à globalização neoliberal reguladas pelos princípios de cooperação, de justiça fiscal e da redistribuição internacional da riqueza, centrados nas necessidades fundamentais dos povos, e privilegiando as novas formas de produção, de consumo e de troca, utilizando energias não nucleares e renováveis, e proibindo os paraísos fiscais.

11- O futuro do Fórum: Por uma reflexão coletiva sobre os movimentos sociais, no sentindo das novas lutas sociais, para além do processo do Fórum Social Mundial e nele mesmo; e sobre as perspectivas e estratégias que garantam a construção de outro mundo possível e urgente para todos e todas. econômicas em todos os níveis: local, nacional e internacional, e no marco de instituições e de modelos de governo realmente democráticos, incluindo o sistema das Nações Unidas e as instituições financeiras internacionais.

10 – Pela construção de alternativas ao capitalismo e à globalização neoliberal reguladas pelos princípios de cooperação, de justiça fiscal e da redistribuição internacional da riqueza, centrados nas necessidades fundamentais dos povos, e privilegiando as novas formas de produção, de consumo e de troca, utilizando energias não nucleares e renováveis, e proibindo os paraísos fiscais.

11- O futuro do Fórum: Por uma reflexão coletiva sobre os movimentos sociais, no sentindo das novas lutas sociais, para além do processo do Fórum Social Mundial e nele mesmo; e sobre as perspectivas e estratégias que garantam a construção de outro mundo possível e urgente para todos e todas.
[en]1- For a radical deepening of the revolutionary and decolonization
processes in the North as well as in the South, through the
development of new social expressions against the political and market dictatorships, and for the restoration of the people’s rights to
self-determination and to the full sovereignty over their ressources
and their destiny.

2-For a world rid of any hegemony or imperialist domination exerted
through debt and free trade as tools of impoverishment,
riches-grabbing and submission of people by transnational companies
and financial capitalism, and free from patriarcal oppression and
systemic inequalities, and from the neoliberal social policies as war
machines against people.

3- For the building of new universalisms -as response to the
civilisational crisis and the commodification of life -, based on
environmental justice and universal and sustainable access of
humankind to the commons, the preservation of the planet as a life
source, in particular land, water, forests, sustainable energy sources
and biodiversity, the respect of indigenous, native, original,
authochtonous people’s rights, and the respect of the diasporas, of
their cultures, identities, territories, languages and knowledge.

4- For a human society, based on the principles and values of dignity,
diversity, justice, equality between all human beings, regardless of
genders, cultures, age, disabilities, religious beliefs, and based on
the respect of individual and collective, civil and political,
economic, social, environmental and cultural rights ; and for the
elimination of all the forms of oppression and discrimination based on
racism, xenophobia, caste systems, sexual orientation and others.

5- For the freedom of movement and settlement for all women and men, more especially for migrants and asylum seekers, victims of human traficking, refugees, indigenous, original, authochtonous, traditional and native people, for minorities, occupied people, and populations experiencing war and conflicts, and for the respect of their civil and political, economic, social, environmental and cultural rights.

6- For a cognitive justice : for the inalienable right of people to
the humankind’s cultural heritage, for the decolonization of thought
and the democratization of knowlegde, cultures, communication and
technologies ; for the end of hegemonic knowledge and privatisation of knowlegde and technologies, for a fundamental change of the system of intellectual property rights and of the scientific research.

7- For the building of democratic processes of people’s integration
and union, for the fulfilment of their aspirations for dignity and
better-living, which will respond to the strategies of division and
hegemony, and for the widespread of solidarity practices and forms
that strengthen the cooperation between people.

8- For a world in peace, free from the war as an instrument of
economic, political and cultural domination rid of military basis and
nuclear weapons, and respecting the people’s right to
selfdetermination for them and their ressources, and protecting the
people living on Stateless, in conflict or occupied territories.

9- For a democratic world, ensuring without any kind of
discrimination, the involvement of everyone in life and in the
political and economical decision-making processes at all levels,
local, national, and international, in the framework of properly
democratic institutions and governance models, including the UN system and the IFIs

10- For the build up of alternatives to capitalism and neoliberal
globalization, regulated upon the principles of cooperation, fiscal
justice and international wealth redistribution, focused on people’s
fondamental needs, putting forward new ways of producing, consuming and exchanging, using non nuclear renewable energies, and prohibiting tax heavens.

11- The Forum’s future : For a collective reflexion on social
movements, on the meaning of new struggles and on the World Social
Forum process itself, the perspectives and strategies for the future,
so as to guarantee the effective fulfilment of another possible and
urgent world for everyone.dos os níveis: local, nacional e internacional, e no marco de instituições e de modelos de governo realmente democráticos, incluindo o sistema das Nações Unidas e as instituições financeiras internacionais.

10 – Pela construção de alternativas ao capitalismo e à globalização neoliberal reguladas pelos princípios de cooperação, de justiça fiscal e da redistribuição internacional da riqueza, centrados nas necessidades fundamentais dos povos, e privilegiando as novas formas de produção, de consumo e de troca, utilizando energias não nucleares e renováveis, e proibindo os paraísos fiscais.

11- O futuro do Fórum: Por uma reflexão coletiva sobre os movimentos sociais, no sentindo das novas lutas sociais, para além do processo do Fórum Social Mundial e nele mesmo; e sobre as perspectivas e estratégias que garantam a construção de outro mundo possível e urgente para todos e todas. econômicas em todos os níveis: local, nacional e internacional, e no marco de instituições e de modelos de governo realmente democráticos, incluindo o sistema das Nações Unidas e as instituições financeiras internacionais.

10 – Pela construção de alternativas ao capitalismo e à globalização neoliberal reguladas pelos princípios de cooperação, de justiça fiscal e da redistribuição internacional da riqueza, centrados nas necessidades fundamentais dos povos, e privilegiando as novas formas de produção, de consumo e de troca, utilizando energias não nucleares e renováveis, e proibindo os paraísos fiscais.

11- O futuro do Fórum: Por uma reflexão coletiva sobre os movimentos sociais, no sentindo das novas lutas sociais, para além do processo do Fórum Social Mundial e nele mesmo; e sobre as perspectivas e estratégias que garantam a construção de outro mundo possível e urgente para todos e todas.

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