#wsfpalestine everywhere

From 28 November through 1 December, thousands of activists, organizers, youth, faith-based groups, trade unions, musicians, academics, and more will converge on Porto Alegre, Brazil for the first ever World Social Forum dedicated exclusively to Palestine.

For those who are unable to join us in Brazil, the World Social Forum Free Palestine WSF-FP calls for simultaneous protests, creative actions and media efforts worldwide to call attention to the goals and strategies that will be discussed and promoted during this Forum.

The World Social Forum Free Palestine is an expression of the human instinct to unite for justice and freedom and an echo of the World Social Forum’s opposition to neo-liberal hegemony, colonialism, and racism through struggles for social, political and economic alternatives to promote justice, equality, and the sovereignty of peoples.

The WSF-FP will be a global encounter of broad-based popular and civil society mobilizations from around the world. It aims to:

1. Show the strength of solidarity with the calls of the Palestinian people and the diversity of initiatives and actions aimed at promoting justice and peace in the region.

2. Create effective actions to ensure Palestinian self-determination, the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and the fulfillment of human rights and international law, by:

a. Ending Israeli occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;

b. Ensuring the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and

c. Implementing, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

3. Be a space for discussion, exchange of ideas, strategizing, and planning in order to improve the structure of solidarity.

How to be part of the WSF Free Palestine Extended?

The World Social Forum Free Palestine is calling for extended global activities in solidarity with the historic occurrence in Brazil. In order to be part of the WSF Free Palestine effort, we ask you to:

– Use the WSF-FP logo during the event and in the promotional material

– Ensure your activity is consistent with the WSF-FP Reference Document

– Inform us of your activity at extended@wsfpalestine.net and prensa@wsfpalestine.net ahead of time to help promote it globally

– Send us photos, videos of your activity to display them in Porto Alegre.

During the WSF Free Palestine, let’s all use the Twitter hashtag #wsfpalestine to promote our actions and don’t forget to follow @WSFPalestine to follow the action as it unfolds!

Some ideas for actions are:

1. Organize a visible and creative protest, flash mob or action that calls attention to the goals of the WSF Free Palestine and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Such actions can coincide with ongoing, pre-existing campaigns in your area;

2. Prepare outreach meetings, events or media initiatives that bring attention to the WSF-FP; Spread them in cirandanet@gmail.com

3. Use the momentum of the WSF-FP as a launching pad for new campaigns and to bring the message of Palestinian self-determination, freedom and justice to new audiences;

4. Call on governments to pay attention to the WSF-FP and respect the demands of Palestinian civil society.

5. Publish statements by well-known personalities in support of the WSF Free Palestine and the demands of Palestinian civil society summarized in the Reference Document.

Be a part of the WSF Free Palestine wherever you are: 28 November to 1 December 2012!

Website FSM Palestina Livre

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