WSF Newsletter

July 11th 2011



Regional preparatory seminars for the Peoples` Summit during Rio+20


6th Ibero-American Meeting of the School Research and Renewal Network


Genova 2011-Genova 2001


OCLAE Congress For Our America: education, unity and freedom

March of the Daisies


Thematic Forum Opposing Unnnecessary Large Project


Civil society announces the Peoples’ Summit

Last week, representatives of 150 organizations, entities and social movements from various countries announced the next year’s realization of the Peoples’ Summit. The event will be parallel to the United Nation’s Conference for Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20. Read more

Photo: Marco Amarelo (Ciranda)





Solidarity with Honduras

Honduras: the reintegration of the country to the OAS

Suspended from the Organization of American States (OAS) since the coup of June 28th 2009, Honduras was reintegrated to the organization em July 1st 2011 with almost unanimous vote from the member-States. The only vote against it was Equador’s. The Latin American and Caribean Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-ALC) e Reporters Without Borders suppose that this decision was made in Exchange for the return of the deposed president, Manuel "Mel" Zelaya, to the country in May 28th 2011. Read more


Moviments’ voice

To access material produced by Minga Press, communication initiative stimulated by several networks and social coordination from Latin America and Caribbean, who were willing to join forces and seek a joint response, understanding that communication is key to social action. (CS)



The rebellions of our peoples make us stronger

Not a single regime in the entire world is immune to collapse when the right time comes. However, as history teaches us, the regime won’t collapse by itself. The Arab rebellions are being created by the social movement — by the people — in all its currents and forces that seek change; in other words, by the great majority of the peoples in revolt. By Ameer Makhoul, political prisoner. Read more

Illustration: Nidal El-Khairy




Towards Gaza by sea

Towards Gaza is an initiative “from the civil society to the civil society” stimulated by people from different Spanish cities who want to express solidarity with Gaza people in an active and efficient way, braking the unjust embargo. The strategy is to send boats that stop in various cities to organiza local actions. The aim is to spread and foster the initiative and its campaigns. Read more





Young feminists’ camp in july

The camp will happen between July 9th and 17th, in Terreblanque, near Toulouse, France. The camp will take place between 9th and 17th July in Terreblanque, near Toulouse, France. You can still participate. The self-managed event aims to enable young feminists to meet each other and to promote exchange of political views in local, national, international and continental scales in order to put together new projects and to prepare for future struggles. Read more




Bogota 2011: video documentary festival

Registrations for the 2011 World Festival Bogota – Critical and Emancipatory Looks are open until 13th July. Themes: Women and Feminism, Human Rights, Territory and Autonomous Social Movements. The event will take place on september 13th until 17th 2011. Read more





Calendar of struggles

Dates were takes mainly from the results of the Assemblies of Convergence for Action. In case you have updates, please send it to:


Unscheduled events

International Conference on Free Circulation of People

Mobilizations around COP17 (South Africa), Cochabamba (Bolivia)

World Week of Action in Solidarity to victims of racism and xenophobia

Social Forum of Tunisia




march 04
Women struggling against agrotoxics

march 20
International Solidarity Day to the Palestinian and African peoples



april 1st-04th
Agenda of actions in solidarity to the revolution in Tunisia – visit the Libyan border and give support to the refugees and the local population (group made of members of the WSF IC, the African Social Forum, Maghreb Social Forum and Tunisian Social Forum)

april 20th-23th

Meeting with the FSMaghreb Committee and visit to Gafsa, Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine



International Council Meeting
Global week of actions in support to the freedom of the Gaza Flotilla II (last week of the month)

may 15

March 15 protests: Palestinian youth mounts growing mobilization

may 21-22
Mobilizations against the G8/G20 Meeting in Le Havre



August 11
Congress of OCLAE



october 3
World Campaign for the Right to Habitat

october 12
Day of Global Action against Capitalism

Still in this month: International Conference on the impact of the North-American invasion in Iraq



December 18
Day of global action against racism, for the rights and dignity of migrants and refugees


Mobilizations around Rio+20

Octuber 01st
World Campaign for the Right to Habitat

And also:

World Forum of Free and Alternative Media

Solidarity Forum to Palestine
International Week of Local Social Forums
World Thematic Forum of Culture and Education for Transformation




Event: Regional preparatory seminars for the Peoples` Summit during Rio+20
Date: from july until september

Event: 6th Ibero-American Meeting of the School Research and Renewal Network – Argentina

Location: Cordoba (Argentina)
Date: july 17-22

Event: Genova 2011-Genova 2001

Location: Genova (Italy
Date: june 30-july 24
Contact: and


Event: ETHOS Conference – preparatory for the Peoples’ Summit during Rio+20
São Paulo (Brazil)
august 7th and 8th

Event: OCLAE Congress For Our America: education, unity and freedom
Location: Montevideo (Uruguay)
Date: august 10-15

Event: March of the Daisies
Location: Brasília, Brazil
Date: august 16-17

Event: 4th Our America Trade Union Meeting
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Date: august 25-27

Event: Thematic Forum Opposing Unnnecessary Large Projects
Place: Venaus (Italy)
Date: august 26th to 30th

Event: Bogota 2011: video documentary festival
Place: Bogota (Colombia)
Date: september 13th to17th
Contact: / @ GlobaleBogot


Event: WSF IC inter-commissions meeting
Place: Kurdistan
Data: september 17th to 20th

Event: 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development (CEBDS) – preparatory for the Peoples’ Summit during Rio+20
Place: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Date: september 27th to 29th

Contact: +55 21 2483 2250

Event: Bas Saint-Laurent Social Forum
Location: Bas Saint-Laurent (Canada)

Date: september 29th to October 2nd

Event: World Campaign for the Right to Habitat
Date: october 3rd


Event: São Paulo Social Forum
Location: São Paulo (Brazil)

Date: september

Event: Social and Solidarity Economy International Forum

Location: Quebec (Canada)
Date: october 17-20
Contact: Émilien Gruet: / Béatrice Alain: (program)

Event: 2nd International Seminar on Latin American Integration from Below
Place: Maracaibo (Venezuela)
Date: october 10th to12th

Event: Second National Seminar Towards Rio+20 – preparatory for Rio+20
Place: São Paulo (Brazil)
Date: october 17th to 18th


Event: South Asia Social Forum
Place: Bangladesh

Date: end of november

Event: Submit your inputs to the compilation document of Rio+20 for UN Assembly consideration (by Internet)
Date: november 1st


Event: WSF’s International Council meeting
Place: Bangladesh
Date: november 22nd to 24th

Event: 8th WMW International meeting
Place: Quezon (Filipinas)
Date: 20 a 25 de novembro

Event: Second UN Intersessional Meeting – preparatory for Rio+20

Place: New York (USA)
Date: december 15th and 16th



Event: Thematic Social Forum – Social and Environmental Justices (prearatoty for Rio+20)

Place: Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)
Date: january 24th to 29th

Event: Free Music International Festival
Location: Porto Alegre (Brazil)

Contact: 55 11 8699 – 6683 (Gustavo Anitelli) / 55 51 9104 – 7759 (Richard Serraria)

Event: Third UN Intersessional Meeting – preparatory Rio+20

Place: New York (USA)
Date: march 5th to 7th

Event: WSF’s International Council meeting
Place: Curdistan

Date: march 17th

Event: Third Bloggers National Meeting
Place: Salvador (Brazil)
Date: may

Event: 16 days in Rio de Janeiro
Place: Rio Janeiro (Brazil)
Date: amy 26th until june 10th

Event: UN PREPCOM3 – preparatory for Rio+20

Place: Rio Janeiro (Brazil)
Date: may 28th to 30th

Event: UNCSD-2012 – preparatory for Rio+20

Place: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Date: june 4th to 6th

Event: Forum of Foruns
Place: Galicia (Espanha)

Date: june/july

Event: WSF’s International Council meeting
Place: Maghreb
Date: second semester

Event: World Campaign for the Right to Habitat
Date: October 1st

Event: Internatonal Forum in Solidarity to Palestinian People
Place: Brazil

Date: November 2012

Event: 6th Pan-Amazon Forum
Location: Cobija (Bolivia)
Contact: 55 93 3522 6852 /


Event: 2nd Lava Social Forum
Place: Laval (Canada)
Date: 2012



 WSF Online




a) International Ciranda of Independent Information

Ciranda is an initiative taken by participants of the WSF that work together in order to organize shared coverage of events from the standpoint, work and solidarity and collective actions of alternative media. Currently, articles on the coup d’Etat in Honduras are featured on the website. Read more

b) Radio Social Forum

Learn more on the Radio Social Forum, a space shared by the radio broadcasters participating in the World Social Forum process, which produces free information on radio broadcast format. Read more

c) Open FSM

Get to know the social network that gathers activists and militants of all around the world identified with the WSF Charter of Principles. This open virtual space allows the exchange of information and the realization of debates between the participants of the Forum process and those who are interested. Read more


The website WSF TV keeps on exhibiting audiovisual productions related to themes of the World Social Forum. This internet portal can be used to host videos recorded by any person or organization identified with the WSF Charter of Principles.Read more

e) Virtual Media Center

A Virtual Press Room created to contribute to the 2010 World Social Forum Process as one of the references for journalists / means of communication to follow the events happening towards the 2011 WSF in Dakar. In it you will find press kits, news, releases in several languages, clipping, and also material as symbols and other high-resolution images. Read more

This newsletter is edited by the WSF Office and distributed by email.
Edition: Thaís Chita
Translation: André Bailão, Hélio Menezes and Marcella Alves

To send any content suggestions and/or receive the WSF newsletter please write to fsmsite @ with "SUGGESTION" and/or "REGISTRATION" on the subject line.

WSF Office – Brazil
address: Rua General Jardim, 660, 7th floor, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 01223-010

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